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银川翻译公司关键字:(A) the EU, Sino-US textile agreement is about to expire, China's textile trade, facing new challenges. In recent years, China's textile and garment enterprises in Europe and America constantly being anti-dumping and special safeguard clause and other restrictions on trade protectionism, large quantities of goods exports to its neighboring countries. Once the termination of the agreement in 2007/08, it may again result in increase in volume and price of China's textile exports by the chaos, so as to Europe and the use of special protective, anti-dumping measures and other means to provide a pretext to impose restrictions on China. As the anti-dumping, countervailing measures on China's textile exports to the harm is much greater than simply the number of restrictions, if implemented, China's textile market share in Europe has been severely weakened.(B) the EU's "expansion" export restrictions should cause companies to expand the scope of attention. With Bulgaria, Romania on January 1, 2007 to join the EU, according to the Ministry of Commerce, General Administration of Customs, State Administration of Quality Supervision have jointly issued a "lose, Bulgaria, Romania, part of the textile regulations announcement," from January 2007 1, shipped from China to the insurance, Luo correlation between the two countries will also be incorporated into textile category "China-EU textile memorandums of understanding" management, export volume growth will be limited. In 2005, China and the EU signed the "Memorandum of Understanding on China-EU textile" agreement when the 25 EU member states. However, with the EU 6th "expansion" to quicken the pace, limiting the country expanded. According to "textile network" Statistics show that in 2006, the two countries have become a substantial amount of China's textile export growth in trading partners. Therefore, these countries on China's exports of textiles and clothing export enterprises is undoubtedly in worse.(C) other countries to restrict China's textile exports. More and more countries to protect their domestic textile industry for the benefit of restrictions on China's textile exports. Such as Turkey's foreign trade department issued December 24, Official Gazette No. No. 26386-2006/6 said, developed in 2004 based on the "textile import monitoring on specific regulations and safeguard measures" requirement, the Turkish government that Turkey's textile imports from China cause market market disruption or threat of market disruption, and therefore decided in 2007 to continue the implementation of China's exports of 44 categories of textile quotas. Implementation time for the 2007 January 1 to December 31. In addition, some developing countries have begun the implementation of China's textile anti-dumping investigation, the subject of China's textile trade friction has been rising in the state, should lead enterprises to pay attention. International market competition, textile export situation is not optimistic. At present, although China is the first textile exporting countries, India, Mexico, Turkey, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, South Africa, Nigeria and many developing countries are also exporters of textiles, some of its export market and China overlap. Therefore, as many developing countries, especially neighboring countries in Asia, increasing the competitiveness of the textile industry, China's cost advantages continue to decline, the future of textile export situation more complicated.