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吴忠翻译公司关键字:(B) the export tax rebate cut textile exports to increase domestic pressure. Since September 15, 2006, the state of the textile export tax rebate rate from 13% to 11% export tax rebate decrease of two percentage points, about the entire textile industry to reduce the total profit of about 1.5%, resulting in reduced orders or to foreign other transfer, directly affect the garment export business profits. For example: As the Tianjin garment industry chain is not perfect, and the supporting industries incomplete, not yet formed, such as Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian and other places of the mature industrial structure, and many raw materials need to go south for the purchase of raw materials supply channels lack the cost advantages of production, exports tax rebates to further reduce corporate profits, increase the outlet pressure.(C) a serious shortage of own brand restrict exports. It is understood that the domestic textile exports less its own brand, R & D, a serious shortage of technical inputs, export of brand products, OEM based. R & D investment of state-owned textile enterprises accounted for only 0.25% of sales revenue. Prominent feature is the "low-end products with high-end equipment processing," low value-added products. Many companies engaged in export garment business processing plants only foreign brands, value-added goods are taken away by foreign companies, has seriously affected the international competitiveness of state-owned textile industry improved. For instance, China's garment exports to Japan accounted Although Japan imports about 70%, but almost no our own brands, higher value added garments are basically foreign or Japanese manufacturers own brand. Own brands in the international market to sell up to U.S. $ 3-5, can be OEM, can be sold for 30-50 dollars, before most of the profit in this business often choose OEM, but with the development of other lower cost the increase in processing power in the country, China's export volume has dropped significantly.(D) limits resulting in Europe and a large number of foreign orders for the transfer. In China's textile trade restrictions by the European and American anti-dumping measures, in order to avoid risks in recent years, European and American businessmen and Latin America, India and Pakistan have been orders and other countries and regions, the low rate of textile exports, customs clearance, the order has been printed in Europe and America customers Pakistan and Latin America and other countries and regions. It is understood that European and American textile and apparel sourcing show power transfer to the emerging trend has been part of the order flow to Pakistan, India, Vietnam, Cambodia and other countries, the domestic export volume dropped. Export market shift.