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湖南省翻译公司关键字:As in many industries and enterprises into value networks, and continued development of the industry changes in the value creation process of changing status, thus making the value of the network is always dynamic and changing, just the rise of industry has a strong vitality , some of them business leader in the next time will not be linear growth, but will seize the opportunity to use the value of the network to the rich environment of rapid growth explosion. They create enormous value, enhance their level in the network, for better expansion of the network required to seek their own dominant position. Like Microsoft, now, the first 10 years of profit is negligible, but in the last ten years of development, they explode! Alarming rate unprecedented growth of world giants, creating the world what a value! topological dynamics of the transfer rulesThe value of the network topology to create some of the best companies, once a landmark remarkable new technology or new business models, will serve as a network point to the rapid spread of network-wide transmission, the topological structure of the weak mixing of the weak transmission speed , while in the topological structure of a strong diffusion rate of mixed strong. Quickly so that more businesses and industries get to use, resulting in huge social value effect. Its transmission power depends on the momentum of the success of this advanced technology or business model of the driving force, of course, it will in the transfer process, replication by other more businesses, improvement and innovation development, resulting in a greater social value can not be expected effect. This is the same as the continuous generation of micro-organisms spread and variability derived from unpredictable results occur, but the spread of transmission speed, the value of the network is far from new technologies and business models and micro-organisms spread as fast as the network environment is the natural environment than the value of the network broad, coordinated, much improved. rules to enhance the feedback loopConstantly enhance the value of the feedback loop for the enterprise network will produce a virtuous cycle, the "snowball" effect. Successful companies in the value network in the value creation process of continuous investment and development, access to great value effect, companies will be richly rewarded, so they encourage enterprises to be more forward development. Great value both effects will absorb more enterprises to join the alliance, creating a more powerful explosive value to enable enterprises to gain greater rewards as a feedback. Like a "snowball" as growth, such an enhanced loop, the company continued to pay simply, it will be increasing returns, and promote a virtuous circle. The full value of the network to develop and enhance the integration and expansion. This accumulation of wealth as Matthew, the rich get richer, the more likely to gather more wealth.