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日喀则翻译公司关键字:High-tier (first tier and second tier) market share is expressed as 1,4,5 region in Figure 2 the area, and competition from low-tier market share in the two parts of the area is expressed as 1 + 2 + 1 + area high echelon echelon industry shift to low-level to the first tier, for example, the type of transfer are: (1) the transfer process - part of processing the transfer process outsourcing (OEM). Advantages of multinational corporations in order to concentrate resources for business development, and put a lot of outsourcing of intermediate products and components, both to reduce the burden, but also improve their flexibility and adapt to changing world market, the ability to respond.Most multinational companies and the relationship between our companies is only based on the product chain manufacturing division of labor. Their technical innovation and transformation occurs only vertical linkages with foreign parent company, rather than horizontal linkages with local enterprises occur. In Figure 3, that part of area for region 1 1 -.(2) technology development and cooperation - part of the transfer of sophisticated technology development outsourcing (ODM). Multinational companies in order to meet local market needs, but also do research and development at the local, but in order to protect the monopoly of advanced technology, they often strive to avoid excessive core technology in the local spillover, the core technologies are in their own R & D, and then transplanted directly to the locally production. And some of the mature technology research and development, or a complete project development given to low-level echelon. Therefore, multinational companies invest in technology spillover effects and learning effects is not obvious.For Figure 3, 1 + +, 1 + represents the area, that is, high-echelon competition from low-tier market share, high-echelon multi-use design and manufacturing outsourced to contract manufacturing company, paste high ladder team's brand. At this point the area in Figure 3 1 + + 1 + the area 1 and Figure 3, while a high-tier market share.In Figure 3 the size of 1 +, 1 +, the continuing process of transfer. And for this type of competition come from low-tier market share, most of the processes can be outsourced to contract manufacturing company completed.Therefore, low-echelon high echelon of the industry to shift in high-echelon echelon of competition from low to gain market share, transfer, there are high market share ladder team were part of the process, the transfer to low-level echelon. 3.2 low-echelon of the industry shiftLow to high echelon of the ladder team of industry types are:(1) One is the use of OEM / ODM and high-tier technical cooperation process, improve the technical level, to master the core technology industry. Low-echelon need to quickly grasp the industry's core technologies, in order to obtain their own market share under full-scale division of labor, competition is high to the low-echelon squad ladder part of the monopoly of high value-