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昌都翻译公司关键字:1) Actively promote clean production model, the development of recycling-based businessesPromotion of clean production and recycling business is the development of countries in the world economic cycle of the micro-level implementation of the basic strategy. The concept of cleaner production in Western countries, industrial pollution control summed up the experience put forward, it "through product design, materials selection, process reform, technology management, internal circulation and other aspects of the production process of scientific and rationalization, minimizing pollution . " Pollution prevention strategies, cleaner production will continue to be applied the entire process of production, by improving management and technology upgrades, increasing resource utilization, reduce pollutant emissions, to reduce product movement cycle environmental and human hazards. It can be seen, cleaner production is not only "the end of the production process management paradigm" upgrade, more in line with "recycling economy paradigm" inherent requirement will help to achieve economic and environmental, ecological effectiveness. Since the early 1990s, cleaner production model in a series of nationwide popularity and promotion. Promulgated in June 2002, "Cleaner Production Promotion Law" on the clean production of content and asked to do a more clearly defined, it indicates that China has begun to use the law to promote and protect the development of circular economy.Recycling companies in the clean production and comprehensive utilization of resources based on the developed, it will cycle economy, "reduction, reuse and recycle" principle is applied to production, relying on modern production technology and environmental technology development and application, enterprise-wide increase in the comprehensive utilization of resources and production process to reduce pollution emissions. We can say that the development of clean production model is based recycling company, and recycling companies to promote clean production, reduce consumption of resources provides a good platform.Development of recycling economy, taking a new road to industrialization requires us to use micro-level business cycle theory to guide the economy to run, and follow the "Cleaner Production Promotion Law" requirements, continuous improvement process designed to take as much as possible the use of clean energy and raw materials, the use of advanced technology and equipment to improve and strengthen production management, enterprise or enterprise group in the recycling of resources within the scope of measures, from the source to reduce pollution, improve resource utilization efficiency, reduce or avoid the production, services and products to use during the production and emission of pollutants to reduce or eliminate human health and the environment.(2) accelerate the pace of technological innovation, promote the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure