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阿里翻译公司关键字:its development, in turn, can boost industrialization. On the one hand, the development potential of the information industry itself is growing, great; the other hand, the traditional industries of information technology has a strong penetration. Information on the transformation of traditional industries, restructuring business processes, integration of internal resources, not only help increase productivity, reduce costs, reduce resource consumption and environmental pollution, but also traditional industries with vigor and vitality. Therefore, the new path of industrialization, we must adhere to information technology to stimulate industrialization, promotion of information technology.5 new road to industrialization must strengthen international cooperation to fully learn and absorb the industrialized countries, especially the development of recycling economy, technology and experience success. Integration in the global economy continue to strengthen the new structure, the growing dependence between countries, a truly independent country it is impossible to achieve circular economy, and its industrialization process must integrate with the world's industrial development. In the development of recycling economy, Germany, Japan, the United States and other developed countries are going in the world, they are in their development process have accumulated a certain amount of skill and experience. Such as Germany and Japan are more clearly at the national level directly on the recycling of circular economy and social legislation, focusing first on the waste of resources recycling and safe disposal, and resource use reduction mainly through the price mechanism to be resolved; at the technical level, the U.S. chemical company DuPont's "3R manufacturing method", Denmark Kalundborg eco-industrial park model and so deserving of our careful study and learn in order to promote the development of circular economy in China.Third, the development of recycling economy, the road of new industrialization policy recommendationsIt should be said, the new industrialization of the "new" is reflected in many aspects, not only to achieve the traditional goal of industrialization, and was given a new era of content and standards. In addition, the new industrialization of the "good economic returns, low resources consumption, little environmental pollution," it is the "circular economy paradigm" inherent requirement. Development of recycling economy, taking a new road to industrialization is fully learn from domestic and foreign industrial concrete experience, combined with our natural, economic, technological, social and demographic reality of the conditions to make a strategic choice is to achieve "well-off society" in general target only way. Development of recycling economy, taking a new road to industrialization as a new development concept, its practical significance is much greater than theoretical significance. It can take from three levels, namely, promotion of "clean production" mode, to speed up industrial restructuring and optimization, improve the system of circular economy development support system.