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乌鲁木齐翻译公司关键字:implementation of high input, high consumption of traditional industrialization and ignore the high-tech industries, division of labor in the world economy will become developed country vassal. Therefore, the contemporary economic development objectives of developing countries should be the combination of industrialization and information technology, rather than the traditional industrialization. Third, science and technology, especially information technology, highly developed, the process of industrialization in all countries to varying degrees by high-tech revolution and the impact of information technology. If developing countries do not want to lag behind the world's most advanced long-term wave of industrialization, we must change the traditional industrial development strategy, and can not extend past the old path of industrialization in developed countries.From the above brief analysis we can see, into the mid-development stage of industrialization, China's industrialization strategy choice facing new challenges. On the one hand, the development of recycling economy to address sustainable development provides a useful way; the other hand, a more circular economy industrial strategy for future higher demands. We must adhere to the scientific development concept, vigorously push forward the development of recycling economy, and then embark on a keep up the pace, in line with "circular economy paradigm" requirements of the new road to industrialization.Second, the circular economy under the new paradigm of strategic trends of industrializationParty Congress report on the new road to industrialization made the simple meaning of the expression: "adhere to the information technology to stimulate industrialization, promotion of information technology, out of a high technological content, good economic returns, low resources consumption, little environmental pollution and human resources into full play to the new industrialization path. " It can be said to take a new road to industrialization is not only China's industrialization path of innovation, innovation in economic growth, economic development concept is the model of innovation and modernization. By definition, it is with the recycling economy development model are complementary. The current development status of our country, we believe that "recycling economy paradigm" under the new road to industrialization should be based on scientific and technological innovation as the guide to high-tech and "green technology" to support, follow the "circular economy paradigm", insisting that information and simultaneously an intensive industrialization, open road. Specifically, the following aspects:1 new road to industrialization must rely on science and technology-driven, technological innovation must, especially innovation into the process of industrialization. After the mid-20th century, information technology, biotechnology, space and marine technologies at the core of high-tech advances, the world has revolutionized the level of productivity improvement, science and technology has become the world promoting the industrialization process, improve efficiency, enhance competition the primary means of force. For a long time, China has been using the high input for high output, low total factor productivity, the extensive mode of development, science and technology contribute to economic growth rate is limited. In the