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五家渠翻译公司关键字:Based on the above analysis, vigorously develop the circular economy, improve resource utilization efficiency, thus enhancing international competitiveness, we face has become an important and urgent task.2 new industrialization is the only way for the development of circular economyEconomic development theory and practice of many developing countries have shown that the vast majority of developing countries, industrialization is the only way to achieve wealthy and powerful. Economist, Mr. Zhang Peigang that "industrialization and development is a dynamic process, the first performance of the national economy in a number of key production function (or combination of factors of production) occurred consecutively from lower to higher ground-breaking changes in the process." We believe this definition best reflects the nature of industrialization, industrialization, not only in itself is a dynamic process of development, and industrialization of the forms (combination of factors of production) is also dynamic, development. Different stages of economic development, social organization of production and evaluation system should be different.In general, the traditional theory of economic growth only from the constraints of capital and labor resources are conducive to economic growth point of view of resource allocation. For example, whether it is Western classical economics, growth theory, endogenous growth theory, or Marx's theory of reproduction of capital and labor growth cycle of two elements was extensive and in-depth study, but elements of the cycle of natural resources is very limited, the fundamental reason is the lack of natural resources, recycling of non-renewable and non-sufficient knowledge. Therefore, the kind of early industrialization must rely on resources of national wealth in exchange for high input high output of the extensive development model, namely the traditional industrialization strategy.However, after entering the middle stage of industrialization, with the advent of information and knowledge-based economy, the traditional path of industrialization is facing unprecedented challenges. First, the traditional industrial technology is to maximize the exploitation of natural resources to maximize social wealth, to maximize profits under the guiding ideology of economic development out of the technology. Therefore, the traditional process of industrialization is often at the expense of natural resources and the environment in exchange for the cost of economic growth. For a large population and per capita resources are not high in China, this economic development, industrialization not only unsustainable, but also ecological and environmental damage will directly impede the quality of life improved. In fact, since the 1990s, industrialized countries for the cost of environmental management 12.7% average annual increase, the average annual growth rate in Germany is as high as 25%. This follows the "production end of the treatment paradigm," the traditional path of industrialization pay the cost is enormous. Second, the traditional industrial theory "developed industrial countries is" the basic law has been the fact that with world economic development is contrary to industrialized countries has been achieved is gradually entering the "post-industrial society" or the information society, the majority of developed countries high-tech industry and tertiary industry has become a pillar industry of national economy. If the industrialized countries still adhere to traditional theory, simply the