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吐鲁番翻译公司关键字:From "15" mid-term, our country to rid itself of the shadow of the Asian financial crisis, steady economic growth into the fast lane. However, the economic operation of some unstable and unhealthy factors have become increasingly prominent: economic efficiency, growth pattern, part of the industry's overcapacity and insufficient supply of resources the whole society co-exist, ecological construction and environmental protection of the increasingly serious situation. Currently, we are still faced with the full realization of the historical task of industrialization, if it continues to follow the traditional model of development, resources will be difficult to sustain the environment will be overwhelmed. To this end, in accordance with the requirements of the Plenum, positive change in economic growth, the concept of circular economy through every aspect of economic development, it is particularly important, more urgent.Circular economy is the goal of economic development, industrialization strategy for the future also put forward higher requirements. To achieve circular economy, continue to follow the traditional path of industrialization is not feasible, the path of industrialization must be innovative. Because, in the traditional model of industrialization, economic growth and resource consumption and a positive correlation between environmental degradation. In other words, the traditional path of industrialization is difficult to achieve sustainable development. Therefore, our industrialization process in the future, we must gradually break the "end of the treatment paradigm of the production process", to explore a line with "circular economy paradigm" requirements of the new road of industrialization, industrialization process of economic development, resource utilization, environmental protection and social progress interaction together, a virtuous circle. This paper on the development of recycling economy, the implementation of new industrialization strategy a number of issues involved in a number of ideas, hopes for China's future economic development helpful.First, the circular economy and new industrialization1 Circular economy is the inevitable choice for sustainable developmentSince the 1960s, as global economic growth accelerated in the face of resource shortages, environmental pollution and ecological transformation of the grim situation, people began to re-examine the traditional concept of economic development, and to seek and explore new development model. Development of circular economy into the world to ease resource constraints conflict, consensus and achieve sustainable development theme."Spaceship theory" proponents - U.S. economist Boulding that the economic cycle is: "Human rational model of development should be of natural materials for recycling, so that the limited space and resources are reasonable and long-term use . " Marx's "Das Kapital" that "the use of production waste" also includes the related discussion of the economic cycle of the idea - "to minimize waste production and to go all into the production of raw materials and auxiliary materials, direct use of that ceiling. " These ideas form the theory of sustainable development and recycling economy earlier prototype.