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石河子翻译公司关键字:the passive nature of housing demand, complete industrialization of the incremental demand for industrial and commercial space, these types of demand caused by the superposition of China's huge demand for urban housing rigidity, sustained strong demand for housing determines the next few years the real estate industry at a faster pace with the inevitability of the decision within a certain historical period than the real estate investment in fixed asset investment growth rate is reasonable and normal.The next few decades is the acceleration stage of China's urbanization, the urban population will increase each year more than 10 million, after 2013, China's urbanization rate will exceed 50% in 2020 China's urban population will be over 750 million. Real estate is to provide the material basis for the urban sector, but also for building a moderately prosperous society provide the material basis of the industry. Rapid urbanization depends on the rapid development of real estate, health, urbanization depends on the healthy development of real estate.It is estimated that by 2020 China's urban housing construction area will reach there is 40 billion m2, the average annual need to increase housing construction area of ??16 million m2. Real estate is known as a pillar industry does not matter, but real estate is strong correlation on the downstream industry is certain. Real estate sites about 40% of urban land. Moderately loose two gates of land and capital, particularly land gate, increasing the supply of real estate products to meet the housing needs, not only to curb housing prices, drastic measures to improve people's livelihood strategies, but also for expanding domestic demand, digest "excess" capacity ( If there is "excess"), to reduce excessive deposits and poor, increase employment, promote the sustained, steady and rapid development, and so has important practical significance. U.S. "subprime mortgage crisis," the lesson certainly should arouse our vigilance, but to overstate the U.S. subprime real estate market in China influence the healthy development of China real estate market is harmful. China and the U.S. conditions, different stages of development, China is completely different from the U.S. mortgage object. China-based mortgage structure and economic and social development of the macro-environment, prevention of mortgage risk as the main front and the main line of defense should be the financial institution's own internal governance structure.Fourth, China's leading real estate macro control should be directed to increase the effective supplyEnd of the year drew to a close, several cities in commodity prices decline, or market trading volume dropped, there is no market price. However, the real estate market has made China the inflection point is too early to judge. In 2007 the national real