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喀什翻译公司关键字:China's economy in general in good condition, has been for five consecutive years of growth in more than 10%, most macroeconomic indicators have good performance. China's economy is not without problems, but to have China's current economic "overheating" of the judge is not convincing. First, determine whether the overheated Chinese economy is extremely difficult. Secondly, domestic and international conditions for the rapid development of China's economy may be provided. Third, at this stage, rapid development of China's economic necessity. Fourth, China's rapid economic development is faced with two major resource supply and environmental capacity constraints, is by adjusting the path of development, appropriate steps to speed up scientific and technological progress to be resolved. Scholars usually high rate of investment, fixed asset investment growth as an important basis of economic overheating, the expansion of consumption as China's economic restructuring of the important aspects. In fact, the high fixed asset investment in China at this stage there is necessity and rationality.Keywords: macroeconomics, real estate, the economy overheated, resource supply, the rate of investment, fixed asset investment, real estateFirst, China's rapid economic development does not equal overheatingChina's economy in general in good condition, has been for five consecutive years of growth in more than 10%, most macroeconomic indicators (profits, income, prices, finance, taxation, export, residents, etc.) have good performance. China's economy is not without problems, but to have China's current economic "overheating" of the judge is not convincing.First, determine whether the overheated Chinese economy is extremely difficult. A country (region) of the real economic development is a natural historical process, its growth rate depends on the country (region) of the complex internal and external economic, political, social, historical, cultural and physical geography, natural resources and other conditions combination, rather than depending on government or economists plans or expectations.Secondly, domestic and international conditions for the rapid development of China's economy may be provided. Being completed industrialization, accelerating urbanization and rising living standards and rapid development of China's economic demands put forward objective, residents of China's high savings and high investment preconditions to become China's rapid economic development important source of inspiration. Increasingly improved macro economic stability and rapid development of China's increased security conditions. This is commonly referred to as China's strategic opportunity. Good use of this strategic opportunity to achieve China's goal of building a moderately prosperous society demands.