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昌吉翻译公司关键字:According to this theory, the climax of the end of the innovation, but also means that the product has matured. However, for an already mature product, its income elasticity of demand is decreasing, which means that people who already mature product demand is gradually increasing as incomes decrease. In people's demand for mature products tend to decline, manufacturers of the products to maintain market share, had to find ways to reduce production costs, the results of the cost of brutal competition began, high-cost firms continue to be eliminated.economic slowdown means that the IT industry to industry as the leading industry of the fifth cycle of the world economy has moved from stage to the innovation and high cost-competitive. Which will result in the IT industry and the restructuring of the new international division of labor. Cost competitiveness in the IT industry before the arrival phase, IT industry research, development and manufacturing is highly concentrated in the United States. However, with the new economic cycle costs from the innovation stage to the senior stage competition, the United States in the IT industry, research, development and manufacturing will be difficult to play the comprehensive advantages, IT industry, the international division of labor will form a new pattern.the future of the IT industry trend of international division of laborThe United States is the IT industry has been the research, development and manufacture of highly centralized state, IT access to cost competitive stage, the advantages of the U.S. IT industry will be greatly weakened, but in the next period of time, the United States will remain a limited future in the IT industry innovative activities dominate, while the IT industry, technology development and process improvement activities, and IT industries, from manufacturing activities will be a substantial shift to the world the United States. From the current situation, the U.S. is mainly responsible for the IT industry in the research function. IT industry research and development will still be concentrated in the United States. Because the U.S. has the world's largest stock and flow of knowledge, talents around the world are concentrated in the United States.On Japan, since World War II, it has been the United States and other advanced countries to imitate the technology leader. Have well-developed education system and through accumulated technology and talent to imitate many of the technology development group, it has the ability of technology development in the IT industry and process improvement to occupy the dominant position in global competition. However, due to Japan after a post-war decades of rapid economic growth, per capita income levels have been highest in the world, engaged in manufacturing activities, the cost has been high, making it difficult to participate in the international IT industry, the manufacturing division of Korean-style special attention to the expansion of the information industry open increase the total export trade. Now South Korea has become a booming emerging IT power, as Internet applications, mobile communications, digital entertainment and other aspects of professional integration in industry. From the manufacturing cost