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阿勒泰翻译公司关键字:Wuhan University of Science and Technology Park, East Lake High-tech industry clusters to create a good cultural atmosphere, should be a clear focus on creating conducive to innovation and entrepreneurial culture. University of Science and Technology Park development, it is important also to establish a good cultural environment. To create conducive to innovation and personnel training incentives for high-tech industries, but also tolerance for failure, we must strive to create an environment to turn knowledge into wealth. Should encourage the growth and rooted culture of innovation: risk-taking, entrepreneurial spirit of entrepreneurship; emphasis on a culture of trust and cooperation. In addition, we develop professional loyalties rather than the concept of corporate loyalty, and promote the movement of persons, ideas and attention to dilute the level of informal communication and so on.Sound service system, and vigorously support the University of Science and Technology Park of Wuhan East Lake industrial clusters. Should pay attention to the park facilities and social services building, according to the innovation and entrepreneurship needed to continuously improve service quality and level. University Science Park of Wuhan East Lake from the high-tech industry cluster is associated in the development process and the development of external form. At the same time, it is an evolving innovation system. In the development process requires a variety of services, such as high-tech business development in the pre-need market analysis, technical support and funding; medium term production, testing and market testing; later also need to promote sales, technical services, logistics, etc. , which involves many aspects, many professional, often need to cross-enterprise cooperation, which requires the cluster in the area of ??technology incubators, information consulting, training, financial, legal and accounting, management and other aspects, the formation of a sound service system to East Lake, Wuhan University of Science and Technology Park for the development of industrial clusters escort.