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阿拉尔翻译公司关键字:University of Science and Technology Park, East Lake in order to promote industrial clusters, optimizing the environment for innovation, we need to strengthen the Lake University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology Park, Technology Park as the core of the six parks cooperation and common development. Huazhong University of Science and Technology Park, both with the Wuhan Science and Technology Park, China Soft Software Park, Wuhan University of Science and Technology Park, China Agricultural University Science Park and comprehensive university science parks constitute the Lake University of Science and Technology Park, an organic whole, but also with the East Lake High-tech Zone of the existing industrial park , Software Park, Pioneer Park and other students echo each other, work together to build high-tech industry cluster Science and Technology Park.Accelerate the development of specialized industry clusters, developing high-tech industry continues to consolidate the development of competitive industries. Leaps and bounds high-tech industries, to develop optoelectronic information, bioengineering and new medicine, energy, environmental, mechanical and electrical integration, new materials industries, optoelectronics and information for the ability of independent innovation to achieve new breakthroughs in high-tech fields, the formation of industrial scale and characteristics of the industrial chain. And should continue to accelerate the construction of East Lake High-tech Zone, increase innovation, fostered the overall competitive advantage, Wuhan East Lake High-tech Zone to the National University Science Park into a domestic first-class high-tech industrial base and an important innovation center in China. Relying on State Optoelectronic Information Industry Base, Torch Plan automotive electronics industrial base, Torch Plan Software Industry Base, University of Science and Technology Park, National Park and other opto-electronics industry the advantages of high-tech industrial base based on the market to play an effective role in resource allocation, accelerate the development and characteristics of high-tech industry cluster development, focused on promoting the development of optoelectronic information industry concentration. Relying on the advantages of discipline, the development of pillar industries. Wuhan East Lake High-tech Zone National University Science Park of the "two pillars of the industry" is the photoelectron information industry, biotechnology and new pharmaceutical industry; to promote science and technology to Chinese workers, Chinese laborers venture, Tianyu Information, Huazhong University of Science and Technology Park Development Co., Ltd., Central NC, Tongji cleaning, HUST advanced nano-medicine, and so seven core business sectors associated with the formation of industrial clusters, and strive to build our own innovation, leading innovation, service innovation and industrial clusters.