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澳门翻译公司关键字:Not to foreign acquisition of state-owned enterprise restructuringIn fact, large-scale cross-border mergers and acquisitions of domestic industry giants leading enterprises is not accidental, has become a new round of international mergers and acquisitions of a new trend. According to "China Economic Weekly" to understand, since the 1980s, corporate mergers and acquisitions has been a strategic shift began to occur. The 1980s, mergers and acquisitions and dispersed mainly to reduce business risk, 90 years of mergers and acquisitions mainly to expand business scale and integration of business, and into the 21st century is mainly based on the merger and reorganization to improve the core competitive advantage strategy based on acquisitions. This acquisition highlights market-oriented, high-tech focus, to enhance competitiveness as a goal, combined with powerful enterprise characterized by intensified the concentration of resources on competitive enterprises to further promote the global industrial restructuring and upgrading, but also to change international investment. Therefore, large-scale cross-border M & A giant Chinese industry leaders act is a concrete manifestation of this strategy, mergers and acquisitions.Machinery manufacturing industry to take foreign mergers and acquisitions, for example, if the acquisition is just the traditional venture into the Chinese market in order to obtain the "License" then, now it has been clear for the joint venture acquisition: the domestic construction machinery enterprises into multinational giants of the global industrial chain , through legal means to achieve the Chinese machinery market monopoly.Faced with such acquisitions environment and the international trend, China's SOE Reform How to choose? Foreign M & A also work?Economists have two distinct views: one view is that, as long as the problem is bound to state-owned enterprises, reform of property rights is the only choice to solve the fundamental problem of state-owned enterprises policy, but it is best to property rights reform sold to foreign companies, said the SASAC, there are many people who hold within the sound;Another view is that mergers and acquisitions of state-owned enterprises to multinational corporations is not the only way to resolve non-performing assets. If you are good prospects for the development of state-owned enterprises, the shortcomings of the past should take advantage of institutional good time now to reverse as soon as possible. The purpose of the establishment of SASAC is to make state-owned enterprises truly representative of the investor, with the market management approach, state-owned enterprises over the last multi-cut relationship between the executive order, the investor through the implementation of ways to make state-owned enterprise vitality. This in itself is to make clear property rights of state-owned enterprises, to fit the market economy environment.