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海南省翻译公司关键字:Real estate interests of the game in recent years, China's most typical areas of high housing prices is an indisputable fact that corporate interests will determine the price trend, the high prices of the group-benefit analysis can help clarify the circumstances surrounding the Chinese real estate prices conducive to the real estate market in policy formulation and implementation.Keywords: high prices; price trend of group interests; macroeconomic policyFirst, the high prices of real estate developers benefit analysisReal estate developers are the main interests of the real estate market is the most direct beneficiaries of high prices. High prices for the developer benefits mainly due to: 1. Poor promotional products can be expensive, the backlog of goods. The lack of demand formation of high prices under the cover of the illusion of excess supply, more people are concerned about the shortage of goods rather than goods are pros and cons of such a "scarce" format, to help Home Builders reach Competition of poor materials, processing stocks the purpose. After the housing reform, "the backlog in 1998" "1999 higher," that is the purpose of Home Builders Competition of the initial inventory. (2) distorted demand, profiteering. After 2000, real estate prices continue to rise, consumers have a strong psychological pressure, by the rent-seeking and speculative investment driven by the profit motive, consumer capital, commercial capital, industrial capital in the financial capital of power, consumption, investment, speculative three demand for cash ahead of the prevalence of centralized tendencies, potential and actual demand and actual supply demand gap to form a huge illusion, which makes the true market supply and demand are strongly distorted, and create a "boom" has become a real estate agency in turn raise the room the full price profiteering excuse and justification. 3 shift the risk of short arbitrage. After 2003, the trend of higher prices, housing credit, pre-sale system, resulting in the return on investment and business real estate agency there is a serious risk of non-reciprocity, so that to achieve a risk-free real estate speculation, which is the normal real estate market development and twisted cut-off point. 4 high prices, more conducive to the interests of the developer to form alliances. Since 2004, China's real estate prices in a growing extent, determined by the small number of developers, that a small number of developers, with its monopoly position in which, with the tacit understanding, form a price alliance, driving up real estate prices (XU Jing-yong, Ma Yuan , 2005). China's real