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黔西南翻译公司关键字:First, the chemical logistics facilities are mostly associated with the park construction and construction chemicalsShanghai back in "15" to cultivate the period put the logistics as one of the four new industry to develop a special development plan, the Waigaoqiao, Pudong Airport, Yangshan Port and three logistics parks as the construction of key west. Jiangsu save at the end of the introduction of "modern logistics development plan," Architecture of the 14 integrated logistics parks and six professional logistics center, Nanjing has also increased the Lukou Airport, Harbor's investment efforts.Second, the rapid development of liquid chemicalsChina's largest Sino-foreign joint third-party logistics companies in China COSCO Logistics Co., Ltd. August 1, 2005 with the Dutch shipping giant oil storage company Vopak (Vopak) signed an agreement, a joint venture established in China's first liquid chemicals logistics services company. Under the agreement, Vopak will allow the joint venture in China's coastal areas with its own five terminals, these terminals over 600,000 m3 total capacity, and will also put the company in China's chemical logistics services to the introduction of the land joint venture, which marks the Chinese liquid chemicals logistics industry reached a new height.Third, the development focus to the import trade in chemicalsAs the dependence on international energy markets increased, the number of Chinese seaborne imports of crude oil is increasing, the water transport and transit number of the variety of petrochemical products has increased considerably. According to statistics, at present, including crude oil, refined oil, gas, chemicals and other solid variety of hazardous chemicals, including transportation capacity of 300 million tons, accounting for China's total volume of 1 / 10. Driven by strong demand in China, the first half of the oil, minerals and other important energy and material imports are still strong, port loading and unloading of crude oil 75.31 million tons, an increase of 3.6%. Including loading and unloading of imported crude oil 65,256,000 tons, an increase of 3.9%Fourth, accelerate the development of third-party logistics chemicals, new hot water as an investmentCurrently there, including crude oil, refined oil, gas and bulk chemicals, more than 4,000 dedicated marine vessels, about 700 million dwt, accounting for about 10% capacity. Specialized terminals has also been rapid development of domestic crude oil, refined oil, LPG and bulk chemical loading and unloading dock about 300, the throughput capacity of 200 million tons, accounting for the major coastal ports in the total number of berths and the total throughput of 35 % and 1 / 6. China's WTO accession commitments to the international community when, three years of refined oil retail market opening, foreign companies can set up stations in the country; open refined oil wholesale market within five years, foreign companies in the domestic construction depots, terminals and distribution network, for refined oil wholesale business. With the end of 2005, the full liberalization of the logistics market, foreign logistics enterprises to accelerate into the Chinese market, heavily invested petrochemical circulation. Petroleum industry, for example, foreign oil companies from exploration and development operations in China to penetrate the petrochemical processing and refining, and began to strengthen the oil product sales. --- Three international oil giants Exxon Mobil, BP, Shell ---