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黔南翻译公司关键字:The 21st century, with information, networking, intelligent, flexible, standardized the appearance of these new features of logistics, third-party logistics is becoming an industry or even a measure of national economic development standards, and caused widespread concern in the chemical industry. In recent years, as the country's basic industries the rapid development of petrochemical industry, chemical logistics industry as a whole showed a rapid growth trend, this article on third-party logistics in the chemical industry status and development prospects are briefly analyzed. Keywords: chemicals; LogisticsAccording to State Economic and Trade Commission "to speed up the development of modern logistics in China a number of recommendations," the definition of modern logistics refers to raw materials, finished goods from start to finish and effective flow of information about the whole process. The use of modern information technology, modern logistics, the transportation, storage, handling, processing, finishing, distribution and information links to be integrated to form a complete supply chain, to provide users with multi-functional, integrated and comprehensive services.Third-party logistics (Third-Party Logistics, referred to as 3PL, also referred to as TPL) refers to the production and operation enterprises concentrate their efforts on the primary industry, the original deal with the logistics of their own activities, by contract entrusted to the professional logistics service company, through information systems and logistics services companies maintain close contact in order to achieve full logistics management and control of a logistics operation and management. Third-party logistics companies in the logistics field is the customer's strategy to play the role of allies, from this perspective, the third-party logistics companies can even be said to be a full-time logistics department customers, but the "logistics department" a more professional advantage and management experience.With the economic development trend of heavy-duty, modern logistics industry in China is in a stage of vigorous development. At present, China has about 16,000 logistics service sector companies, industry output value of more than 39 billion yuan. By 2010 the output value of China's logistics industry will reach 1.2 trillion yuan. However, China's cargo transportation costs three times higher than in the West, logistics costs account for up to 30% of the total cost of goods. In 2005, China's total logistics costs of up to 33860000000000000 yuan, with GDP ratio was 18.6% higher than in developed countries nearly doubled. Can be seen, China to develop third-party logistics potential.The 21st century, with information, networking, intelligent, flexible, standardized features such as the emergence of new logistics, third-party logistics is becoming an industry or even a measure of national economic development standards, and caused widespread concern in the chemical industry. In recent years, as the country's basic industries the rapid development of petrochemical industry, which also brought further demands on the transport, chemical logistics industry as a whole showed a rapid growth trend, and showed the following features: