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六盘水翻译公司关键字:competitive strategy and the implementation of human intelligence reflects the level of competition is a good sports competition. Some parents fear that children neglect their studies because of electronic games and the idea of ??one-sided. Like electronic games and children like football, basketball and other sports the same. There are also some children are not overly concerned because football, basketball and delayed homework, why do not people put forward to ban football, basketball programs? Although some self-control because of poor children can not extricate themselves indulge in electronic games, electronic games itself does not explain is wrong. In the face of academic and e-sports issues, parents and the community should not simply try to suppress, it is unrealistic to ban electronic games, and should be given proper guidance and norms, "unworthy" need not. CCTV ten sets of "People" section of our interview with professional electronic sports player XiaoT seems to presage the beginning of a turn for the better government of the active intervention and proper guidance. Market mechanism is an effective way to allocate resources, but the market mechanism itself will fail, especially in our country is in a planned economy to a market economy, the market mechanism is not perfect, this is particularly evident. In this case, government intervention will be effective to compensate for market failures. Soar Zanji well-known economist Robert said: "The basic premise of industrial policy is the private market alone can not achieve the maximization of national welfare and interests." China's electronic industry, sports market has great potential, but faced with governmental management tools lag, lack of social awareness, and weak national enterprises, the government take an active industrial policy to support it is a must. Europe, Japan and South Korea's history tells us, electronic games may well become a pillar industry of the 21st century. Electronics industry involved in the sport of competitive sports, software, entertainment, telecommunications, Internet, hardware, equipment manufacturing, has formed a strong adhesion of the industrial chain, industrial chain, the government will no doubt be leading. South Korea's electronics industry, competitive sports from small to large, more than the auto industry has become a pillar industry, and its government's active promotion are inseparable, such as the 2003 South Korean President even attended the e-sports events the opening ceremony. Our government need to tax incentives, bank loans, investment environment, infrastructure and industrial technology research and development of appropriate policies in areas such as early warning inclination to promote the development of China's electronic industry competitive sports.Relevant government authorities should be the correct guidance of public opinion, so that the whole community aware of e-sports industry is a market economy and the spiritual needs of the masses. Meanwhile, variable block is sparse, the official organization of electronic sports events, will be the new things into the normal scope of management, and enhance the daily supervision, preventive measures, to promote e-sports industry's healthy development.