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    中国翻译协会是由全国与翻译工作相关的机关、企事业单位、社会团体及个人自愿结成的学术性、行业性非营利组织,是翻译领域唯一的全国性社会团体,由分布在中国内地各省、市、区的单位会员和个人会员组成下设社会科学、文学艺术、科学技术、军事科学、民族语文、外事、对外传播、翻译理论与翻译教学、翻译服务、本地化服务等专业委员会。翻译服务委员会接受国家有关部门委托,先后编制了三部国家标准并均已获得国家质量监督检验检疫总局和国家标准化管理委员会批准:《翻译服务规范 第1部分: 笔译》(GB/T19363.1-2003),《翻译服务译文质量要求》(GB/T19682-2005),《翻译服务规范 第2部分:口译》(GB/T19363.2-2006),及上述三部国家标准的英文版。
贵阳翻译公司关键字:school events, so that electronic games become "common enemies" and "electronic heroin." The enormous pressure of public opinion makes electronic games facing severe pressure to survive, justifiably difficult for enterprises to enter this market; athletes also can only be called "players", their treatment and generally do not compare athletes; the majority of fans can surreptitiously engaged in the electronic games; in the face of tremendous pressure of public opinion is difficult to confidently provide guidance and supervision, and sometimes had to ban escrow. E-sports television coverage of the ban can be described as the current social discrimination against Chinese electronic games industry typically reflect. Can be said that social prejudice is affecting the normal development of e-sports industry's enormous resistance.2 Government of absence and dislocation management. In 2003 China Sports Federation, the e-sports for the State Sports General Administration to determine the official launch of the first 99 sports before, our government departments for a number of essential characteristics of electronic games a clear understanding of the industry's rapid development and leading role in other industries underestimation of the presence of absence management and electronic games dislocation management. Some authorities often turn a blind eye when there is no problem, laissez-faire; other authorities have to intervene when you see profitable; but out of the question of the management of buck-passing, or overkill, simply "a ban." . Since the media reported a number of young people addicted to online games and things that affect normal life, many local government authorities, as the e-sports as a plague on their "prevent sticking." China's General Administration of Sport program in 2004, the inaugural CEG (China E-sport Game, the National Cyber ??Games) for some reason postponed on with this.3 E-sport low level of domestic projects. Currently popular in China a lot of e-sports programs, such as ball games with FIFA Soccer, NBA basketball, shooting class project Delta Force, Counter-Strike, against the class of integrated project StarCraft and so on. But these familiar items for the Chinese people, but without exception, the foreign R & D developers. According to statistics, developed outside the mainland of China E-sports E-sports projects accounted for 80% of the market share (Source: Based on www.blogchina.com data collation). Low degree of localization is an important reason is the lack of electronic games software developers. From the machine intelligence, image, sound, color, creativity, drama, ideology and other respects, good works of electronic games and movies can compare works of art. A good e-sports software software program personnel will not only design courses and software design courses Fine Arts, 3D animation design, software development should always grasp the foreign advanced design concepts, technology and market conditions. Ministry of Information Industry, a survey showed that: the country, including the United States Code, including electronic games software development and technical personnel with less than 3,000