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毕节翻译公司关键字:intelligence technology, which football players with turf, to confront and football goal, basketball player with basketball courts, basketball and the ball almost the same box for the game, the biggest difference E-sports is only in the information technology mature enough in the case has generated. 20 years ago, not so well-developed information technology, no one can be expected to produce this project. (3) the economic development of the electronic sports become a necessity. Engel Coefficient of residents in 1990 to 54.2%, 37.7% in 2002 (Source: 1990,2002, "China Statistical Yearbook"). This means that with China's economic development and income increase, and increased leisure time and work pressure, people are willing to spending more on leisure and entertainment. Computer network because of its interactive, fun and convenience of people of all ages. CNNIC2004 July survey, 34.5% of users access to recreation as its main purpose.3 E-sports industry, sports industry is the integration of the product. Economist Adam Smith has found that the secret of industrial civilization is "division of labor", the division of labor is the fundamental source of wealth. Division of the industrial economy and the agricultural economy is the biggest difference between the initial point. Accordingly, and as Adam Smith's "Wealth of Nations" has become the cornerstone of Western economics and theoretical basis. However, it indicates the development of information technology integration is a fundamental source of modern wealth. Integration of economic and industrial information economy is the biggest point of difference. Some scholars believe that the producers and consumers, the buyer and seller relationship, the agricultural wealth from the unity between them; industrial wealth from the division of labor between them; wealth of information from the integration between them.Information industry has characteristics that make knowledge and information products to other social adhesion, paste and permeability, which compared with the other three industries with high correlation. Once the information industry products it needs, it will spread very quickly to its influence, and cross-cutting and other industries, penetration, creating new industries, as industrial integration. Electronic information industry, sports industry and sports industry is the integration of the product.Second, the e-sports industry problems1 e-sports community prejudice. Contemporary, electronic games has been able to become a sports contests, a new industry, and it is social progress, technological development and the spiritual and cultural needs of the people closely related. Although there are countless people in this sport in high-tech intellectual way, but in reality, public opinion, intentionally or unintentionally harmful to inculcate on electronic games. Some media reported that some students indulge in a lot of games being unable to extricate themselves, abandoned youth and