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安顺翻译公司关键字:E-sports industry in China has great market potential and development prospects of a new sports industry for its development process in the face of social prejudice, the absence of government or dislocation management, the low degree of localization and the lack of professional athletes and other issues, this paper put forward ideas, increased government efforts to strengthen policy support, to speed up the localization process of software development and professional and other measures. [Keywords] electronic games; industry; problems; countermeasuresFirst, the development of e-sports industry backgroun1 E-sport concept. Electronic games produced in online games,State Sports General Administration of e-sports is defined as: E-sports is the use of information technology as the core hardware and software as a device for, and under the rules of the sport to achieve the oppositional movements between people. By definition, electronic games and other athletic programs are no Through this exercise, participants can exercise and improve thinking ability, responsiveness, eye-limb coordination and willpower, teamwork. E-sports and sports competition to information technology closely linked, is a welcome by the majority of people in emerging sports.2 E-sports industry, the background analysis. In other countries, the concept of e-sports as an extension of sports is in the stage of vigorous development. E-sports industry in Korea has become the country's pillar industries, and was listed as one of South Korea's three largest athletic (soccer, chess, electronic games), the annual output value of the equivalent of 40 billion yuan. According to the Entertainment Software Association of North America's largest organization IDSA Statistics :2001-2004, global electronic games industry annual growth rate has continued up to 15% in 2003, the output value of electronic games in North America $ 10 billion to Europe's GDP in 2004 reached $ 49 billion . We believe that not all of sport can become a competitive industry, as an industry, must be under the condition of the market has a huge supply and demand. Specifically from the following aspects of e-sports industry, the background for analysis:(1) China Internet users soar. According to CNNIC (China Internet Network Information Center, the same below) of the survey, as of June 30, 2004, the total number of Internet users in China $ 87 million in October 1997 with the first survey with 620,000 Internet users in ratio, an increase of 140.3 times. The rapid growth of the total number of Internet users in China has attracted the attention of the world. However, nearly 87 million Internet users in China's total population of 1.3 billion still accounted for only 6.7%, indicating that despite the large number of Internet users in China, rapid growth, development is still very large. Huge number of Internet users means huge consumer groups and consumer demand, business opportunities and market demand means, which is the birth of e-sports industry prerequisite.(2) E-sports with the new technology generation. With e-sports network, computer, mouse, keyboard and uniform rules for different organizations and systems to achieve low-cost transmission of information, the people of the confrontation. Cyber ??computer technology, communication technology, automatic control technology and the culmination of artificial