重庆翻译公司关键字:Mainly as follows: First, the excess is commercial bank loan principal and interest; off that should be allocated to the investor's profits; set off to be paid for projects of construction and installation; set off for the price of land use rights and other related debt, charged directly to contacts subjects. Second, the excess is to be paid commercial advertising costs, electricity costs and other expenses, excluding sales. Third, do not follow the regulations issued false invoices or invoices, less accrued income or reduce taxable income. to the collection of accounts receivable or other grounds is not required to declare the name of taxes, tax evasionMainly as follows: First, on behalf of the government departments and other corporate charges, such as gas pipe network costs, municipal construction costs, telecommunications ancillary fees, housing transaction costs, water capacity fee, cable TV connection fees, telephone cable installation fees, green fees. Companies tend to collect all amounts paid to the commissioned units on the grounds, in the financial treatment of income or direct write-downs excluding development costs, resulting in reduced turnover, tax evasion and related taxes; the second is the use of association, unlawful transfer of profits; third self-built housing sales or rent, to obtain income does not enter the income account; Fourth, projects not yet final accounts, revenue, cost can not accurately reflect the grounds for non-tax returns; five forged approval process, under the guise of "trust development", "cooperative housing "and" foreign-invested enterprises "in the name, obtaining tax incentives, are also commonly used in major real estate tax evasion tactics.2 real estate tax collection and the status quo perspective real estate tax revenue from the point of viewAlthough the real estate tax regardless of the realization of tax points, or total revenue and income growth are more substantial structure, this is the real estate market continues to evolve and be strengthened tax administration, a real estate tax strong growth momentum can be accomplished, but further in-depth analysis will face some major problems: First, tax-related information distortion, the credibility of the tax basis of the small, resulting in great loss of property tax revenue; second taxpayer awareness and reporting quality is not high. Sales revenue is not real, cost pseudocolumn, charged unreasonable fees, concealment, false price of the phenomenon of conspicuous; Third, the real estate market is not standardized, single investment structure, lack of stamina; Fourth, tax reform is not complete, restricted real estate sustainable growth in the size of the tax industry.