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天津翻译公司关键字: And members of the enterprises, enterprise groups should create value. In real life, is to create business value. Therefore, and members of the enterprises, enterprise groups are themselves operators. Enterprise Group is now operating units, then, and businesses, but also have business indicators. This indicator, fundamentally, is in accordance with enterprise groups aim is to achieve "whole is greater than the parts and" examine the formation of enterprise groups, the Group's total capacity is greater than the record price before the formation of groups, members of the business ability of Soka and . If the Group's total capacity is greater than the record price of several shows that the establishment of enterprise groups is necessary. Conversely, if the hard establishment of the Group, the Group's total capacity than the previous Soka Soka ability of the enterprise and, so Group is not necessary. Of course, the enterprise group Soka total capacity, due to less increase in the "enterprise group" this part of the increase in costs. Enterprise Group does not directly operate a variety of resources, but only business, "Soka capacity" of resources. But it is not directly operate a specific member of a specific enterprise Soka their论文摘要翻译英文 ability, but all the members co-operate to form a total capacity of Soka. Enterprise Group is a "corporate group." Therefore, enterprise group called "Soka management capabilities," it is business enterprise group Soka force. And because companies force group Soka enterprise group as a carrier. Therefore, the ability of enterprises Soka, is in fact a "group of enterprises the ability."But if that "corporate group", Soka Group operating companies have a very important feature is that industrial diversification. First, the industry diversified industrial diversification, for example, a business group, may be both real estate companies, there are bio-engineering Company翻译论文公司最专业. However Furthermore, there may be "geographic diversity", for example, a business group in Beijing and Nanjing have their论文摘要翻译英文 own real estate. Enterprise Group is a diversified industrial group operating companies on the premise, it should be a little description.Diversification of industries so-called "industry" may not be statistically significant. Of enterprise groups, some members of the Company翻译论文公司最专业's business done, from a statistical look at is the same industry, but from an operational point of view, but their论文摘要翻译英文 difference may be very far away. For example, with a newspaper, but the party newspaper, reported economic, social reports, target market毕业论文翻译成英语文章, personnel structure, methods of operation so far