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台湾翻译公司关键字: Clearly, the mix of resources in different ways, the ability of enterprises to create value in different strengths and weaknesses.Incidentally, the "corporate nature" of the understanding, and American scholars believe that Coase's "business is established in order to reduce transaction costs" are not identical, it is more than "Coase Theorem" broader content contained in these.Since the combination of different forms of corporate resources, allowing companies the ability to create value are different. So, if when some people believe that the subject the number of enterprises in the "separate existence" under the conditions of its unity to some of the more stable, longer combination formed by the ability to create value, than these companies operate their论文摘要翻译英文 own separate , each formed by the sum of the Soka ability may be higher (the so-called "part and the whole is greater than"), they make this form of business combination of resources, so the formation of enterprise groups.Conclusion: The Enterprise Group is to create a combined enterprise value of the institution.According to the above companies to change the conclusions of reasoning, we can also believe that business groups, is to the enterprise's ability to create value together to create value for organizations.As mentioned above, the firm is to combine resources to create value for organizations. This said, the enterprise group is to create a combined enterprise value of the institution. These two findings appear to be similar, it is possible to unite these two do? I think that is possible. As mentioned above, the resource is a person that they are useful things. Of enterprise groups, which hope to create value, and the "ability to create value" on its usefulness, is its resources. But after all, the ability to create value to businesses as a carrier. Therefore, an enterprise group, the Company翻译论文公司最专业 is that it saw in its resources.