新华翻译社总机:4008281111   客服部地址:南大街6号国务院机关第二招待宾馆(国二招)3号楼B5319室

辽宁省翻译公司关键字:In rural public health and other basic public services, there are now more serious monopoly phenomenon. In particular, many public hospitals, rural hospitals even while enjoying the benefits of tax exemptions and government subsidies, while suffered a monopoly, the monopoly profits of sweetness, to one-sided pursuit of the interests of the unit, do everything possible to squeeze out the used resources for basic public health services. Therefore, to speed up the reform is imminent. However, in these service areas, to relax market access and the introduction of competition mechanism, pay attention to multi-program pilot, pilot projects to evaluate the effect of science on the basis of careful forward, anxious to prevent a result of the absence of the public health system in rural areas.(2) encourage the development of private services, cancel services to accelerate the development of domestic ownership of discrimination and discrimination. For-profit services are private goods and services the product services, should unswervingly push forward the market-oriented, industrial and social development, to further develop the private economic investment and development as the main role. Government support should be limited to two aspects: First, to maintain fair competition in the market order, establish an open, equal and standard industry access system, the abolition of the private economy-specific discrimination in market access; second in the system and the application of modern mode of operation, high technology to transform traditional service area, in the early stages of development of such services, to enhance the pilot, pilot and demonstration projects to support, guide them to start or speed up the upgrading.In the "Eleventh Five-Year" and even longer period, the government's policy adjustments for service development should be to combine these two aspects. On this basis, to achieve an active and orderly manner as well as between different forms of ownership of domestic, foreign policy between the development of service industry homogenization, the abolition of ownership as well as for domestic, foreign differentiated set of services to enter and exit barriers. Policy to guide the development of financial services should be based on the scale, increase