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舟山翻译公司关键字:Overall, Australia's monopoly industries and competitive reform has achieved positive results. For example, telecommunications reform, the state-owned enterprises into a number of exclusive business, especially value-added services with more than 20 business, forming a more intense competition. Competition in the long-distance telephone charges reduced by 50%, service projects also increased significantly, customers are getting some benefits. Power sector reforms, due to the entry of non-state investment, the investment in the electricity industry than in the past have drastically increased in the five years since the reform, foreign investment of more than 40 billion Australian dollars for the same period also reduced the price 50% of the electricity business labor productivity increased by 10% or more. Electricity consumers beginning in July 1998, with a certain degree of choice of different power supply companies. Australia's aviation services, urban management, are also in the reform has been enhanced.Second, the discussion of several issues(A) privatization does not mean to break the monopoly and introducing competitionAustralia emerged from the reform can be seen above, privatization, demutualization is not the only condition for the introduction of competition mechanism. Only within the same industry to break the monopolies, formed by a number of business entities with different interests of the situation, to be able to form a competitive mechanism. Competitive mechanism alone can not provide good service for the users, but also the need for government oversight, coordination and management.(B) technical progress in breaking the monopoly and introducing competition mechanism plays an important role inSome aspects of the industry after the reform did not form a competitive mechanism, and not suited to the pace of technological progress requires the development of a direct relationship. Such as the Australian telecommunications sector reform, with the entry of enterprises, long-distance telephone and telecommunications value-added services to a very intense competition, improve service quality, operating cost reduction, efficiency significantly. However, due to the state-owned companies control the major telecommunications networks, in particular, access to the user's local telephone network, so local calls, has not yet formed a competitive situation.(C) Some aspects of monopoly industries are currently no conditions for the introduction of competition, how to improve the management of these areas, improve efficiency, is still a need to continue to study and explore issuesThird, our inspiration(A) in the existing economic and technological conditions, many of our industry is a monopoly to break the monopoly conditions to form a competitive mechanism. Government's many things to the market conditions and non-government organizations. This is to improve efficiency, provide high quality services to the residents play an important role.(B) the introduction of competition mechanism needs to open up monopoly industries, creating a fair competitive market environment. Existence of monopoly industries in China the proportion of large state-owned economy of the phenomenon. Therefore, the current focus of reform should be open does not affect the national security of monopoly industries, reducing the monopoly industries such restrictions, allowing other companies to enter the monopoly industries. In adjusting the ownership structure, we should pay special attention to foster more market players, and competition between them to create a fair market environment.