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温州翻译公司关键字:Many Australian monopoly industries to introduce competition reforms are based on research, develop programs, approved by Congress before implementation. Therefore, these reforms are the legal framework. For example, the reform of the telecommunications industry is in the "Telecommunications Act of 1989" and "Telecommunications Act of 1991" based on the.Government to introduce competition at the same time, strengthened the supervision and operation of these industries and management to ensure better services for the community. To this end, Australia has established a special supervisory and regulatory bodies, such as the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) is responsible for electricity, telecommunications, natural gas market trading institutions, not only these industries in the country the price supervision and service quality, and to accept and hear complaints from consumers. In the power industry has also established the National Electricity Market Management Company (NEMMCO) and electrical codes Executive (NECA), responsible for the implementation of electricity market rules and reliability of electricity supply supervision and management, to determine the power system security and reliability standards, propose solutions Power trading disputes procedure. Australian Communications Technical Committee is responsible for technical supervision of corporate communications agency, all new entrants to the telecommunications industry, companies must accept the agency's technical evaluation. Existing communications companies have to accept the Commission in the technical aspects of inspection. Not reach the technical standards stipulated by the state enterprises will be allowed to enter the communications industry, or must withdraw from the communications industry, not the blind pursuit of the reform of state synchronization, attention to coordinating the federal government and state and local government interests, as well as the relationship between the interests of localOverall, the Australian Federal Government has great respect for the autonomy of state and local interests. State governments are also very supportive of the federal government to promote this reform. State governments in promoting this reform, all attention from the state's actual conditions, gradually advancing the reform of competition policy. The federal government does not force state governments to synchronize changes. For example, in the power system, due to the state electricity company form of ownership is not the same, the cost of management and operational capability is not the same, unified power market, the benefits to the states is not necessarily the same. According to the general rules of market economy, in areas with low price to the price of electricity should be areas of high flow.In the specific reform measures, the Australian states have great autonomy. For example, some states in the power system will be government-run power companies sold to private operators. But the Tasmanian Government does not support the generation, transmission and distribution and retail sale of electricity to private. South Australia in June 1999 passed a law allowing the government-owned power companies long-term lease to private management, but does not allow the sale of these enterprises