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绍兴翻译公司关键字:Australia's reforms began in the late 1980s, attempts to introduce competition into monopoly industries. In 1989 the federal government abolished the monopoly of the communications business; November 1990 allows companies in the business aviation industry cross; April 1991, the federal bank privatization; April 1995, the Australian Parliament approved the electricity industry in the country competition policy reform. In these reforms, the Australian Government on the one hand through the opening to the original non-state economic monopoly industries, the introduction of non-state capital, the implementation of the shares of transformation, in order to promote the formation of a competitive mechanism. The other hand, efforts to create a fair competitive environment, to encourage enterprises of various ownership in these sectors, carried out between fair competition and promote economic efficiency and continuous improvement of quality of service.According to reports, Australia's monopoly industries to implement competition policy reforms, the range is relatively wide, involving almost all government-sponsored or managed utilities, such as airports, operated by the government into a private business; highways, gas pipelines, construction and management by the government to private construction and operation; employment agency run by the Government to organize into a privately sponsored; even part of the prison, but also by the government to private management.According to the study, Australia's monopoly industry reforms to introduce competition in a market economy is relatively good circumstances, and the reform of the problems and difficulties more easily through market mechanisms. Such as employment, social security and other issues, you can rely on existing mechanisms to address. Adjustment of interests among all levels of government issues, legal and consultative mechanisms can be resolved. Australia therefore this aspect of the management system reform is not a fundamental reform, there is no "transition" problem, but to further improve the market economic system, is relatively complete market competition mechanism into the competition is not sufficient monopoly industries . Overall, the Australian Government's reforms in this regard, more attention from reality, has the following characteristics:(A) different levels of government to take a different reform measuresAustralia is a federal country, divided into federal, state and local levels of government. Three levels of government is not exactly the same functions, powers, there are very different.The federal government is responsible for national and inter-state affairs, economic strength, holding companies and have more assets, so to break the monopoly of the reform, primarily through deregulation and promoting the formation of a unified national market and the sale of public property, method, the introduction of non-state-owned monopoly capital industry, and promote the formation of monopoly within the industry, competition among enterprises of different ownership mechanisms.