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宁波翻译公司关键字:Current international green residential development has the following characteristics: high-tech in this field plays an important role, such as: new energy, new materials, biological engineering; At the same time, according to local conditions using local materials and technology to reduce costs has become a trend; green residential development from the use of individual technologies and products to integrated systems technology, and thus the formation of a sustainable development strategy, as the leading high-tech, comprehensive approach to improve the quality of new residential areas.Green residential housing industry in China's long-term development goals. Eco-house evaluation system, including planning and design of the residential environment, energy and environment, indoor environmental quality, residential water environment, materials and resources in five areas. It is from the technical, economic, environmental, energy and social point of view the system life cycle assessment in building a comprehensive quality in each stage, will better guide the green residential construction.Second, the mechanism of innovation and new development model In fact, transferred to the main competition in technological innovation, product-level competition, enabling enterprises to achieve early development, but can not enable enterprises to achieve a qualitative change of the upgrade.China's housing industry is still in a transition period into the mechanism of innovation is to create new rules of the game, the establishment of leading enterprises as the core of supply chain system, it will be a source of enterprises to obtain high profits.Mechanism is also China's accession to WTO, the largest residential development international barriers. However, changes in patterns of residential development is a historical necessity, so the mechanism for upgrading and development of innovative enterprises is also the greatest opportunity.China's domestic mode of production to the factory from the site is undergoing a gradual changeChina's urban housing an important part - the kitchen, has been basically completed the upgrade of industrialization, the whole kitchen supporting the kitchen almost complete control of the market, the diversity and scale are currently being developed, and efforts to achieve integration with the electrical. Another in the residential part of the core - the bathroom, the whole bathroom is quietly rising. Overall, from the industrialized housing, light steel structure house, wood house, etc. in order to standardize new structure based on domestic production system, the internationally successful development experience, with its fast, efficient, energy saving, environmental protection will be the unique advantages of residential development in China accounts for a considerable proportion.But the need to attract attention is the change in domestic production of flowers, should be in the new development model results.