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杭州翻译公司关键字:Since March 16, 2005, "National 8" has been released, the central government has introduced a number of specific control measures for the real estate, some form of local government also introduced measures may be required. However, according to the latest National Bureau of Statistics data, the first quarter of this year, house prices in 70 cities nationwide average rose 5.5 percent year on year, Beijing, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and even the soaring price trend; real estate investment in an an increase of 25%. Accordingly, the high prices of the birth of a new term "house slaves" are people began to quickly spread, and called for "no price would never buy a house," Zou Tao is also a time to become a sought after media star . All of this suggests: Since last year a series of control measures for real estate has yielded some results, but relatively "stable prices" intended target, the effect is not satisfactory. So, which is triggered by a question: Why is the government's poor performance is still frequently punching it? Is the regulation of the lack of will or lack of capacity? In fact, in the existing regulation of real estate on how overwhelming the discussion, there are a large number of programs are offered out, from which the selection of the correct solution does not seem difficult; At the same time, in our country, the government's administrative authority and mobilize capacity is almost nothing doubtful. Therefore, if we simply assert that the government can not afford to price stability, then, either from knowledge or from the terms of administrative capacity, are clearly not convincing. That being the case, the only possible thing is: frequent punching in the back, the Government is actually mercy? A careful analysis confirms this inference seems just.First, the legislator of the Central GovernmentThe face of real estate's "prosperity", the central government mixed feelings. First, skyrocketing housing prices, so buyers grievances again and again, the long run is bound to affect social stability. The current urban residents (especially young people), almost jumping about the house, this situation in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other cities show even worse, their anger was palpable anxiety. High prices have made people hate to put the new era housing known as "three big mountains pressure in people's heads" one. Second, the real estate bubble burst in the Japanese economy into a decade-long deflation, in the process, the bank carrying a large number of bad debts, even now not yet fully recovered. The worrying is that, at least in the banking sector, China now seems to have revealed a collapse of Japan's bubble economy before some of the symptoms. According to the People's Bank August 15, 2005 release of "2004 China Real Estate Financial Report": China's real estate development funds using bank loans more than 55% the proportion is even higher in Shanghai, the data show: in 2004 the city of Shanghai RMB self-funded financial institutions of all new real estate loans accounted for 76% of the loan amount, accounting for Shanghai when 50% of total new home sales strong. This situation, once formed, the bank's fortunes have solidarity with the fluctuation of real estate, then banks have been completely transformed into the real estate industry "hostage" and had to form its "community of interests": banks through