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枣庄翻译公司关键字:Beijing started the group in Beijing is a large state-owned real estate enterprise groups, in implementing the CPC Central Committee and State Council on Deepening the reform of state-owned enterprises, state-owned economy to adjust the layout of the background, led by the SASAC, the Beijing Urban Development Group, reorganized from Beijing Tianhong Group, December 10, 2005 started the group was set up. Beijing Urban Development Group, Beijing Tianhong Group is founded in the early 1980s of last century, more than 20 years of history of state-owned large-scale real estate enterprises, the construction of systems from the beginning to the city renovation of dilapidated housing, to housing development witnessed in Beijing City real estate industry from scratch, from small to large all the development process, various types of housing were built more than 35 million square meters, the construction and development of Beijing, to improve the housing conditions of the people made a great contribution. If the house by 100 square meters each, three people per household to enjoy a home computing, the Beijing resident population of 1 in every 10 people lived in housing provided by the two groups. After the merger and reorganization of the first group, the city continues to open, Tianhong main business of real estate, real estate development and continue to improve the housing conditions of the general public glory. Return to work in 2006 to open an area of ??nearly 600 million square meters, accounting for 6% of Beijing real estate market share. In addition to business area in Beijing, but also involved in the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Bohai Rim, the company's total assets of more than 500 billion yuan. According to early 2006 the State Council Development Research Center of Enterprise Research Institute, Tsinghua University Real Estate Institute, jointly set up by China Index Research Institute of Chinese Real Estate TOP10 Research Group report, the first of the size of group ranked first, fourth overall strength. Undertaken recently by the Beijing TV Station, the public participate in the selection of the "Beijing influence of top-notch enterprise" Award, was named the first group to open one of the top ten.We are very concerned about the current housing problems. I think that the price adjustment rather than down, and even soared in the final analysis, the real estate market is not mature, the negative effects of regulatory policy is expected to be diluted, structural contradictions and ahead of consumer attitudes, consumption patterns and other factors combined result.First, the real estate market development and regulation after a brief review of the policy more