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泰安翻译公司关键字:energy saving design specifications, the industry's energy consumption to achieve the advanced level. (2) to rationalize industrial layout. In accordance with requirements of circular economy development zone and heavy industry concentrated on the areas of planning, construction and renovation, energy-intensive projects to optimize the industrial layout, play ecological effects of industrial agglomeration and industrial, resource development-related industries around the core to form a highly efficient recycling of resources chain, efforts to improve the efficiency of resource output.B) the establishment of a strict fine and lean management, building energy conservation and management of corporate long-term mechanismEnergy costs are high energy-consuming enterprises, especially enterprises an important part of the cost of production is the impact on competitiveness of products, an important factor. Reduce energy expenditure, similar to the increase in corporate profits. So, to build market awareness and the main mechanism for energy conscious. (1) large companies should be aimed at the domestic and international companies with the same type of industry, energy consumption and resource use of the advanced level, the establishment of a comprehensive energy efficiency level of the standard management system, efforts to tap the energy potential. (2) key energy-consuming enterprises should gradually establish a network of energy management, qualified enterprises for the introduction of "energy real-time monitoring and information management system", the establishment of energy monitoring room, through the process of production and consumption of digital, intelligent real-time monitoring and control, strengthening the management of energy costs, improve accuracy and efficiency of energy management. (3) conservation and comprehensive utilization of resources into the operational performance assessment system. Enterprises to establish a comprehensive energy analysis and evaluation system to determine the fixed yuan output value of energy consumption, energy consumption will be integrated into all aspects of production and management, implementation of performance contracts. (C) to technological innovation and energy saving, energy saving potential of the industrial sector an important mining ways and meansTechnological advances of the total energy consumption has a great influence to promote the application of advanced and mature new energy-saving technologies, new processes, new equipment, energy saving is the most effective and realistic way, the next five to 10 years to improve energy efficiency in China the focus. Energy-saving technologies for fine-grained goals and measures are: (1) energy system optimization project. Key industries and key enterprises in the production systems, energy systems analysis and optimal use of an integrated approach for key positions and energy sectors, through the optimization of energy supply planning, business process optimization and equipment, production process optimization run, and Optimization of raw materials, utilities, energy system optimization, enterprise integration and the use of waste heat utilization of advanced control technology, energy efficient equipment, reduce the key industries and key enterprises comprehensive energy consumption per unit of product. Petroleum and petrochemical enterprise in order to modernize and refining of oil drilling equipment into a device the size of the focus to raise the overall technological level and production efficiency. Steel industry by implementing the whole steelmaking, to develop high | energy saving value-added steel, the whole casting process short, full hot delivery, all rolling, so that further