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日照翻译公司关键字:other aspects of support are inadequate and not conducive to the formation of a stable support for investment in energy-saving mechanism, but also to some extent, affected the energy technology development and application. Industrial energy efficiency is an economic issue rather than technical issues. Thus, from an economic point of view must be a comprehensive study and analysis of industrial energy efficiency, in order to obtain more in-depth and accurate understanding. Specific indicators of industrial energy efficiency, development of regional economy and deep-seated problems in a specific embodiment, industrial energy efficiency is a key systems engineering, an area to reduce energy consumption per unit of industrial added value, not only depends on its industrial structure, investment structure, industrial layout , the energy structure, technological innovation, energy awareness and other factors, but also on energy-saving regulations and standards, policies, security system, technical support system, supervision and management system, and the establishment and improvement. China should enhance energy conservation and efficient utilization of policy-oriented, from the structure, management, technology, policy and other multi-dimensional perspective, and explore effective means of promoting industrial energy efficiency and ways to improve energy efficiency. Energy at the national and regional long-term development plan under the guidance of different stages of development to achieve energy efficiency goals, to promote industrial energy efficiency to the systematic, in-depth direction, ensure the realization of industrial energy efficiency goals of science and seriousness.(A) focused on building energy-saving industrial structure, optimize the structure adjustment of industry to improve energy efficiency as an important wayStructure of energy refers to the industrial structure, product structure, corporate structure, regional structure, multi-level changes caused by reasonable adjustment to reduce energy intensity and energy consumption reduction. From the industrial point of view of industry structure, industry structure and future changes in final energy demand trend is the high-energy direction or the direction of the low energy, industrial energy efficiency is the most basic factors. Building energy-saving industrial structure of the core clue is: by adjusting the ratio between the industry and gradually build low power mode of development, focusing on high-tech manufacturing industries to improve the proportion of development and growth of electronic information industry, electrical machinery manufacturing and other low to high value-added industries, low-compression high-energy efficiency industry. Rely on energy-saving technology to transform the key energy industries, reduce existing energy consumption of key energy industry level; of iron and steel, petrochemical, high energy-consuming enterprises through the integration of resources, achieve economies of scale, integrated control of energy consumption, improve the overall energy industry capacity. The fine-grained structure of energy-saving targets and measures are: (1) control the investment scale and adjust the investment structure, focusing on the energy efficiency of new capacity level. Improve market access conditions of high energy consuming industries, energy audit system implementation projects. New fixed asset investment projects, must strictly abide by the standards of rational energy use and