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聊城翻译公司关键字:40% of the gross domestic product is about. Energy consumption in the industrial end-composition, since 1990, industrial energy consumption, the proportion of total energy consumption has remained at around 70%. Industry is the largest sector of China's energy consumption, both a reflection of our industry the fact that the low energy efficiency, reduce industrial energy consumption also shows that energy efficiency is the key. Industrial energy-saving effect in large part a direct impact on the "five" binding goals. China's industrial sector energy-intensive products and processes energy consumption per unit product energy consumption and there is still a big gap between the international advanced level, such as electricity, steel, nonferrous metals, petrochemicals, building materials, chemicals, light industry, textile eight major energy-intensive industries product unit energy consumption higher than the international advanced level average more than 40%. Among them, high coal thermal power 22.5%, comparable energy consumption per ton steel enterprises and medium-sized high 21.4%, 45.3% higher overall energy consumption of cement, paper and cardboard comprehensive energy consumption of 120%. Shows that, if energy efficiency to achieve the international advanced level, energy consumption per unit product energy consumption and end-use devices will calculate the energy saving potential is considerable.From a regional perspective, in 2005 the energy consumption per unit of industrial added value was 2.59 tons of standard coal / million. Among them, Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Fujian, energy consumption per unit of industrial added value is lower than the national average. Guangdong's energy consumption per unit of industrial added value of 1.08 tons of standard coal / million, is the lowest index of the provinces. Meanwhile, 20 provinces, municipalities, energy consumption per unit of industrial added value is higher than the national average, the highest energy consumption per unit of industrial added value is 9.03 tons of standard coal in Ningxia / million. This is also a sense confirms the inter-regional economic efficiency of energy gap to some extent also reflect the gap between the level of economic development. Industrial energy efficiency is relatively low if the area can reach the national average level of industrial energy efficiency, and even catch up on the area of ??industrial energy efficiency is relatively high level, no doubt an enormous energy saving potential space.Meanwhile, industrial energy consumption in developed countries with the world's total energy consumption generally accounts for only 1 / 3 of the pattern comparison, the proportion of China's industrial energy use was compiled high, but also to reflect the industrial structure and industrial energy efficiency differences. China's economy is in a period of accelerated industrialization, the strong energy dependence