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莱芜翻译公司关键字:Industrial energy efficiency is an important part of sustainable development, China's economic and social development of the basic long-term strategy. The new century, the national "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" proposed a unit of GDP energy consumption decreased by 20% of the binding energy efficiency targets, the specific energy consumption indicators to quantify and include socio-economic development of China's macro-monitoring system for assessing the economic an important basis for operational quality. This is for China's economy has entered a path of intensive development and proactive approach taken, the core is to promote "economic efficiency of energy strategy", so that economic development and energy consumption, operation and coordination between each other to promote healthy relationships, to energy consumption as little as possible to create as much material wealth.First, the energy content and economic efficiency of industrial energy efficiency AnalysisUtilization of energy resources is a national economic structure, growth, technology, management capacity, consumption patterns and the quality of the comprehensive reflection. Measure or evaluate a country (or regional) energy efficiency and energy saving potential of a lot of methods and indicators, this paper from the perspective of economic efficiency of energy to explain the meaning of energy efficiency, and improve industrial energy efficiency analysis of the constraints and countermeasures. Energy intensity (energyintensity) is a measure of energy consumption, the economic rigidity change and energy efficiency an important discriminant index refers to the volume unit of economic output (or physical volume, volume of services) the amount of energy consumed, reflecting the economic growth of energy consumption . In general, the lower the energy intensity, economic efficiency can be higher plateau. Indicators of economic efficiency of energy use in the macroeconomic area is usually the unit GDP energy consumption, the added value of industrial sector units and micro-economic areas of energy consumption per unit product energy consumption to that. Energy consumption per unit of GDP of a country's stage of development, economic structure, energy structure, equipment, technology and management processes to form a variety of factors such as energy consumption levels and the ratio between economic output. It can compare inputs and outputs of the macro to reflect a national (or regional) economic efficiency of energy, with the macro reference. Departmental units reflect the added value of energy is the energy efficiency of different industrial sectors indicators of industrial sector energy consumption per unit of GDP level of activity affect the degree of a specific embodiment. Major energy-consuming product is the micro-level energy consumption per unit of economic efficiency indicators, with a strong micro-comparable. Improve the economic efficiency of energy use is aimed at reducing energy intensity, which covers all aspects of energy systems, including mining, processing, conversion, transmission, distribution to end use, from an economic, technical, legal, administrative and other energy-saving measures taken and eliminate energy waste. In recent years, China's industrial added value accounted for