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济宁翻译公司关键字:association, so the lack of strong of embeddedness, lack of communication between enterprises, not to establish a sound credit system. 3, the construction of intermediary service organizations to be improved Intermediary service organizations primary function is to provide intermediary services for the parties to the transaction in order to reduce transaction costs, especially information costs. It is to ensure the smooth operation of the lubricant market economy is the basis for the normal operation of industrial clusters. At present, construction of industrial parks only on hardware, not the software aspects of the service, to attract companies to come after that regardless of their things.Fourth, create a cluster of industrial parks SuggestionsView of the industrial park on the significance of regional economic development strategy, how comparative advantage for the region, to take effective measures to support the development of industrial parks, local governments would be placed in front of an urgent need to address the problem. Create a cluster of industrial parks, industrial park development in the direction of the total view of the situation requires, taken together, have developed policies and measures.1, focusing on industrial park planning and positioning, selective arrangement enterprises to enterIndustrial park development depends on the synergy of industrial clusters, industrial parks to build and develop, it must be from the industrial point of view to consider the relevance of the characteristics of the industry, industrial park planning andpositioning. First, consider the location of choice. The location choice of location is the main variable in the innovation system and the role of cost factors, production and processing characteristics of industrial parks should be placed in or transferred to low-cost rural areas, high-tech industrial park should be close to people, a concentration of research institutions. Second, one must pay attention to sustainability. The goal is not only industrial park to provide investment environment to attract foreign investment, more importantly, for the joint venture and provide a good business environment, enhance competitiveness, promote the formation of local supplier networks to promote the sustainable development of the park.2, comparative advantage, leading industry choiceLeading industry economist Rostow to the impact on economic growth is divided into three forms: First, review the impact of backward linkages, ie, refers to the leading industry to provide their own input on the impact of the department, for example, the automotive industry will require that the iron and steel industry, rubber industry and the oil industry raw material input. Second, the forward-looking effect, refers to the leading industry of the new industry, new technologies, new materials and new energy industries, such as induction. For example, IT industry is bound to enhance the continuous development of optoelectronic information technology, constantly updated. Second, the lateral