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菏泽翻译公司关键字:Accordance with the "industrial park, park town" development ideas, the rise of industrial parks springing up as a new bright spot in regional economic development, industrial park made a lot of good economic benefits, and even the image of a regional economic development projects. However, how to play all over the comparative advantage, economies of scale advantages, established characteristics of industrial park, industrial park which is the process of building a major problem facing the enterprise cluster theory for the healthy development of industrial parks that the way out. This paper analyzes industrial clusters and the relationship between industrial parks, industrial clusters enhance the performance of the mechanism of industrial parks, industrial parks in China analyzed the existing problems and made recommendations accordingly.A cluster of industrial parks and industrial relationsIndustrial Park (Industrial Park), said the industry groups in Japan and South Korea, Hong Kong, said Industrial Estate. Industrial Park is a World War II, some developed countries for economic development, improve the urban layout of the structure, taken as an important way to build enterprise geographic concentration. China's industrial park first appeared in the "First Five" medium-sized industrial projects during the construction process, followed by all kinds of reform after the economic and technological development zones. Currently various types of industrial parks is to rely on the Government to promote and market forces together to form a new way to build the park, designed to focus on manufacturing and foreign investment. Industrial clusters (Industrial Cluster) is defined as a field of interrelated industrial enterprises and their support system in a large concentration of development within the region and the formation of a sustainable competitive advantage in the economic community.Although industrial clusters and industrial parks in the geographical space are expressed as the number of enterprises in a certain geographic area to form a "get together", "package group" or "clusters" phenomenon, there are economies of scale, and are inseparable from the government policy guidance and support. However, industrial parks and industrial clusters does not necessarily show the same concept, but between them there are significant differences (Table 1).First, the industrial park is not necessarily associated with industrial agglomeration of enterprises. Industrial parks are typically characterized by a large number of enterprises in a certain area of ??focus. However, enterprises in the geographic concentration and the share of public goods does not necessarily produce the cluster effect. Enterprise clusters mainly based on the industry chain enterprises in the cluster as a result of the division of the trust created by long-term cooperation based on the formation of informal cooperation agreement, which is the industrial park does not have. Second, the industry association effect must have some support system, which is refined by the division of labor between enterprises based. Industry association and the common interests of the division of labor from the formation of mutual dependence and mutual trust is the most basic conditions. Industrial Park development must begin from the industrial chain, to find an effective way.