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滨州翻译公司关键字:Because there are some non-measurable factors (random factors) also affect the agricultural economy, in Table 2, the contribution rate of 29.46% can not explain this part of the factors that measure the impact of agricultural growth model and built according to the above empirical analysis shows The following conclusions and recommendations:First, the institutional innovation of the importance of the transformation of traditional agriculture. System can be seen from Table 2, factors affecting the growth of the agricultural economy of Xinjiang is significant, institutional factors, principal components for each additional one percentage point increase in agricultural production, 0.626862 percent net growth rate, its contribution to the rate of 24.4544%. However, as Xinjiang is a multi-ethnic gathering place by some of the customs and religious restrictions, coupled with the most western Xinjiang is located in the motherland, blocking traffic, long distance, high transport costs, lack of information on the relatively slow implementation of the policy . Therefore, future development should assess the situation in Xinjiang, an active and steady implementation of reforms to strengthen the implementation of policies and implementation for the healthy and stable economic growth of Xinjiang Agriculture to provide policy support. Second, the capital investment on the agricultural economy can not be ignored. As can be seen from Table 2, the capital of the GNP growth rate of the elastic coefficient of 0.139403, the contribution rate of 13.036%, showing the capital investment and GNP, positive correlation. From an investment point of view the structure: First, the proportion of non-productive expenditure Xinjiang larger, mainly in agriculture, forestry, water, gas and other utility costs of a larger spending, followed by agriculture, utility costs; second is the low investment in agricultural research, new varieties experimental development, the development of pesticides and fertilizers, irrigation facilities, modernization of agricultural production so requires significant capital investment, and we have been neglected for long-term capital investment in agriculture. These make the capital investment for agricultural development in Xinjiang's role is also far from being played, and in the knowledge-based economy we must increase investment in agricultural capital, take advantage of the role of capital. Third, technological progress in agriculture a major impact on economic growth. Overall, the level of agricultural technology in Xinjiang, more prominent structural contradictions. Since reform and opening, the main yield of Xinjiang, the central link to pay close attention to scientific and technological progress, agricultural equipment, water, grain and cotton yield and the average resident in the forefront. Solve the problem of insufficient amount of agricultural products, but the structural contradiction between market supply and demand of agricultural products highlighted in the processing of agricultural products, and testing and other aspects of technology is relatively backward.