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玉树翻译公司关键字:In recent years, some sectors of the more serious overcapacity problems have drawn attention, for industries with excess capacity of the macro-control has become a period of important issues facing our economy.Excess capacity is not a new phenomenon in China's economy, excess capacity in this round as early as the beginning of 2003 began. First quarter of 2003, the National Development and Reform Commission pointed out that iron and steel, electrolytic aluminum, cement and automobile industries in four there is excess capacity. Subsequently, the state focus on the first three sectors of the regulation. 2004 excess production capacity expansion to coke, calcium carbide, ferroalloy industries, although after a year's macro-control, but the end of 2005, the National Development and Reform Commission pointed out that there are still 11 industry overcapacity. End of March 2006, "the State Council on accelerating the restructuring industries with excess capacity of the notice" (hereinafter referred to as "Notice"). Industry overcapacity problems arise with their own economic reasons, its development and changes also exist in its own laws, this article from the analysis of industry overcapacity problem of the formation mechanism, to explore the industry overcapacity problem of economic laws and effective control strategies. This industry is due to overcapacity within the industry production capacity is much greater than the amount of the product market equilibrium of supply and demand, market price is lower than some leading enterprises in the industry's lowest average cost of leaving some business losses within the industry, production capacity idle state of the market.Theory, industry overcapacity, the automatic adjustment mechanismIn order to analyze the problem of excess industry capacity, supply and demand economics to borrow this model and theory of the firm the following assumptions: no difference in the industry product homogeneity; industry information is complete, that is, market participants can readily obtain all the information pertaining to the transaction; business free access to the industry; industry enterprises and economic costs and social costs the same.