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黄南翻译公司关键字:construction has made great achievements, the housing conditions of urban residents has greatly improved. However, objectively speaking, China's overall level is not high living, residential consumption in household consumption, the high proportion of total expenditure, the majority of ordinary people rely solely on their normal income can not afford housing.(1) the key to solving the problem or the demand side. In the current transition period, should be a focus of market demand and people's actual consumption preferences. The essential requirements of the market economy from any decision-making should be demand driven market. If you deviate from any policy-making in this direction, the cost and difficulty of its implementation will be greatly improved, leading to policy outcomes with the original policy objectives of increasing deviations between.Necessary to give priority to efficiency, but also take into account the fair. China's current housing supply system and the implementation of affordable housing and other relevant policies that China's urban residents of the housing structure generally should be: 5% ~ 10% of affordable housing, 10% to 15% are low-cost housing, 75% 85% is purely commercial, affordable housing is to solve the housing problems of urban residents in the core and key. Undoubtedly, the introduction of this policy is largely because the price is too high, people are subject to lack of capacity. However, prices are too high, people are subject to a lack of the reason is very complex, far from land simply by subsidies, limiting profit developers of affordable housing and other simple policies can be resolved.In fact, consumers need what kind of housing is based on their income and their preferences in the market trading decisions and ultimately implemented. Affordable housing construction in China's real estate market, housing system reform, the status should be transitional, a temporary solution. Hope this concept will be integrated into policy-making, speed up the process of building the real estate market. However, the role of affordable housing can not be ignored, it can effectively solve the problem of low-income housing, urban dual structure to alleviate the problem with a large role in helping build a harmonious society.(2) to strengthen the supply at the macro-control can not be ignored. March 12, 2007, the State Council held a meeting to listen to the Beijing real estate market conditions report, Vice Premier Zeng Peiyan said in his speech, to continue to implement the State Council Document No. 26 of 2005 and 2006, Document No. 37 deployed to further implement the control measures, improve supporting policies, strengthen and improve the real estate market: First, efforts to increase housing supply; Second, efforts to control housing demand; Third, efforts to solve the housing problems of low-income families: Fourth, continue to regulate the real estate market order