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海东翻译公司关键字:economic center of the city can get much better than other cities in the public service resources, and these resources is the core value of real estate, and to reflect on the price.The value of property depends on the natural, historical, social and other factors, the value of property is the value of public resources, the value of public resources shared by the community, and not exclusive by any individual or organization.Value of the land to establish a social sharing mechanism, and this mechanism should be implemented through the tax. It must be emphasized that, in the tax collection system and support is equally important, if the tax payments by the government to buy a car and built a building, the tax can not solve China's real estate industry also exist in a variety of problems.By the nature of the real estate market, we can find a land value of the social sharing mechanism is the only fair and efficient solution to the current social problems of China's real estate market the way. On property tax reform, fully able to take small strides the way, the first in a particular region, a specific area, given the price of the property tax levy on real estate, after the payment of property tax the people to cultivate the awareness, further optimization of the final refinement program and be promoted.Community resources can not be fair and balanced share, resulting in a big gap between the various urban real estate prices, and thus have a "price depression" to attract investment capital and consumer funds to the "depression" accumulate, potentially enhancing the "depression" area real estate prices, make more than the capacity of local residents.Second, to solve our social problems of the way the real estate market1 through legal means to protect the real estate market macro-control goalsIn recent years, China's real estate industry as an emerging industry, first in the coastal city after the rapid development of cities in the Mainland, but it is far from being an important economic development of China's pillar industries. This indicates that for a long period of time, the state needs to take to support the development of real estate strategy, the real estate market is the country's macro-control will be a long-term task. From the global and long-term national interests, to establish the real estate market and the macro-control goals of legal measures to achieve these goals. Through legal means to ensure the implementation of macro-control, primarily in the following areas to increase supervision:(1) possession of the land area of ??control. Our country is facing a land crisis, and this crisis may also exacerbated by the loss of control real estate development, real estate development must deal with the contradiction between the farmland. Objectively speaking, it is necessary to accelerate the development of real estate, but also do not take up land, which is almost impossible. The question now is what measures should be taken to occupy due to real estate development and land control in the smallest limits. Determine this limit must be integrated into the existing arable land available for cultivation of arable land area, population growth and other construction may be occupied by arable land and other factors. The occupation of cultivated land area must be incorporated into national economic and social development of long-term planning, five-year plans and annual plans. At the same time, but also the land occupied by the