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海北翻译公司关键字:However, the reality is that the dual social conditions of the real estate market will develop in the direction of polarization. The city's high-end real estate investment market, which some people have higher incomes, purchasing power, their purpose is not to buy a house to live, but the investment value, they want to rising prices. The low-end market for the newly urbanized and more people who have low incomes, weak purchasing power, buy a house is to live. These people want house prices to stabilize or reduce the possible. However, the larger the income gap between the reality of so many low-income housing can only look intimidating, dual social structure growing. China's traditional urban-rural dual structure in the current process of urbanization has evolved into a new dual dual structure, namely the traditional urban-rural dual structure and dual structure within the city side by side. From the perspective of the new dual structure, the reason why people can not afford the current house, both the rising prices of non-rational factors, but also have income too low. In the long run, the double dual structure of the income distribution structure not only restrict the healthy development of China's real estate market, but also lead to social unrest, affect social harmony. With the growing dual social structure, China's real estate prices have shown a trend of polarization. Change the dual social structure, to improve the polarization pattern of income distribution will become the prerequisite for the healthy development of the real estate market.(2) the macro-control has not yet reached the desired results, affecting the entire social and economic environmentSince 2004, China began one after another to implement the regulation of the real estate market, but the effect is not obvious, there is no real macro-control to achieve desired results. Prices due to the control of land supply is still likely to continue to rise, real estate speculation continuous control of public opinion, there continue to develop the real estate market bubble tends to spread, affecting the real estate market trend is still the leading force in growing the bank loans contraction effect is not obvious. If the land use plan and demolition plan are strictly implemented, to further expand the gap between supply and demand, housing prices are still likely to continue. Some companies to develop a shortage of funds, and supply rate of decline in total supply, the developer of the credit crunch has increased the financing costs and risks. From an investment perspective, as long as real estate investment return is higher than deposit rates, capital may flow into the real estate market, housing prices continue to rise there is reason.Recently, in the real estate market macro-control context, despite China's real estate prices have come down, but some areas still rising. Real estate market to a certain degree of control, but some areas are still more confusion.(3) Social sharing of resources can not be balancedChina's real estate market, the existence of social problems is not simply the price issue, but how fair sharing of public resources to the problem. Those close to the political and