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果洛翻译公司关键字:China's real estate boom began in 1998 with the development of the monetary reform of housing system, the banking and financial innovation and the support of the country's financial policy, the country launched a vigorous "Constructing Cities." Rapid surge in domestic prices, real estate market interests increasingly unbalanced accumulation of domestic real estate market risk on the rise. Now the problem is no longer just the real estate market is an industry problem, or is not a purely economic issue, but rose to national social issues of common concern.First, China's real estate market, the main social problems1 dual structure lead to abnormal development of the real estate market, exacerbated by the abnormal development of the real estate market, the dual structureUrbanization process of China's economy forward, but the threshold of Vietnam, China must change to one yuan society. According to an estimate, the next 20 years, China's urbanization rate will reach 60%, about 4 million to 5 million people move to cities, and had lived in the city of 4 million people per capita living space will turn a Fan. Thus, most of the real estate pursuant to infer the real estate market has great potential. Of course, on the surface this assumption is reasonable, but it requires a precondition that each person entering the city can afford a house.To understand the future who will buy a house in the city, urban and rural areas can be analyzed in various sectors. According to statistics, China's urban residents have a home business rich people basically have their own housing, they may also move rooms, buy a second or third suite, on this part of the people, the purchase and improvement of Investment will be the mainstream and the main buyers. Another part is just to be of urbanization, they buy a house was simple, that is living. China in the next 20 years, 60% of the level of urbanization, will have a large number of rural labor to cities. Both high-end college students to enter, or enter the city due to the landless workers and migrant workers, most of them low income, even after the accumulation of purchasing power is low, but their demand for housing is very strong. China's urbanization is the urban migrant workers, if not more than 400 million farmers move to cities, there can be a large real estate development, the Chinese economy there would be no qualitative change. This part of the city occupies a large proportion, and the majority of urban residents, must be highly valued.However, the reality is that the dual social conditions of the real estate market will develop in the direction of polarization. The city's high-end real estate investment market, which some people have higher incomes, purchasing power, their purpose is not to buy a house to live, but the investment value, they want to rising prices. The low-end market for the newly urbanized and more people who have low incomes, weak purchasing power, buy a house is to live. These people want house prices to stabilize or reduce the possible. However, the larger the income gap between the reality of so many low-income housing can only look intimidating, dual social structure growing.