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通辽翻译公司关键字:Real Estate Investment Fund is scattered through the collection of social capital, the use of professional investment management, real estate companies can not only solve a single external financing channels and the problem of financing, but also can promote the real estate capital structure and product structure optimization and for small investors to participate in real estate investment and income distribution provides a realistic way, is a good real estate development financing. Here's the status quo with China's real estate market, with the SWOT method for analysis of real estate investment funds. Advantages of real estate investment fund (S)(1) real estate financing real estate investment fund with the flexibility: real estate investment funds are usually completed in real estate projects have been developed, and can generate stable revenue stage will intervene. Thus, in a variety of suppliers of funds, real estate investment funds played a "disk access" role, the initial investment for a variety of real estate development funds to provide an effective exit.(2) real estate investment fund with higher liquidity: it is a real estate securitization products, usually in the form of service or benefit certificates, the liquidity of real estate this property up. Most REITS can be like in foreign stocks traded on the stock exchange as, liquidity, their investment with high liquidity advantage. The real estate direct investment, the sale of property is difficult and high transaction costs, poor mobility.3) real estate investment fund portfolio diversification with less risk: it can invest in a diversified portfolio of different types of real estate projects, while real estate investment fund obligation to report regularly to the announcement of the interim financial statements, financial operations , a higher degree of transparency. So it can effectively avoid the investment risk, return on investment is relatively high, and regular dividend income. Real estate direct investment, subject to various changes in the impact; investment risks. Establishment of real estate investment funds not only for the real estate industry to provide new financing channels, the objective within the real estate industry can also promote survival of the fittest, the optimal allocation of resources. Meanwhile, the deepening of capital markets, real estate loans to reduce the burden concentrated in the banking system, to resolve the systemic risk of real estate. At present, China's investment in public capital because of the narrow channels and has not been effectively utilized. The emergence of real estate investment fund real estate investment shift from the physical investment securities products, can improve long-term benefits of real estate liquidity and financial characteristics with expert real estate trust, real estate industry for the involvement of the community to provide favorable conditions for capital.