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呼伦贝尔翻译公司关键字:strategy of opening up. At present, upgrading industrial structure, accelerate the restructuring process of state-owned enterprise reform, but also properly handle the relationship between open and win-win situation, we must strive to expand the opening up to attract foreign capital to speed up restructuring and reorganization and reform and improve our industry's scale and level; also remain independent in an open and rational, to establish a sense of win-win cooperation, to maintain independence in foreign cooperation, the development of self. Can no longer engage in the kind of "wishful thinking" type of investment, but not at the expense of their own in exchange for cooperation. Only in the joint venture to maintain autonomy, self-development, in order to achieve long-term win-win cooperation.Third, actively and steadily push forward the development of foreign mergers and acquisitions. Correctly grasp the current trends in international capital flows and characteristics, actively and steadily push forward the development of foreign mergers and acquisitions. Necessary to further create a favorable environment for foreign investment, mergers and acquisitions, mergers and acquisitions efforts to attract foreign investment and has become a new growth point. Should strengthen the guidance on foreign mergers and acquisitions, regulate its development. At the same time, to the "Company Law" and relevant national regulations based on promoting the reform of enterprises according to law, regulate the restructuring. M & A process in the enterprise, should strictly carry out the program, the rational choice for the actual business partners, forms of cooperation, not blindly capital operation, to prevent the movement of the way out to promote the reform and reorganization of enterprises.Fourth, create a multi-sectoral joint merger review mechanisms. Major M & A activity, to go through the special assessment and demonstration. For strategic industries and key enterprises of strategic significance in the implementation of M & A process, special consideration must be. Meanwhile, the establishment of mergers and acquisitions in the national economic security early warning mechanism to guard against potential risks.In this sense, perhaps Caterpillar's acquisition plans in China has only just begun