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呼和浩特翻译公司关键字:United States echoed the Carlyle Group, October 25, 2005, The Carlyle Group for $ 375 million (about 30 billion yuan) to buy the Xu Engineering Group, 85% of the shares. Such a "perfect match", is clearly not a simple coincidence. In fact, the idea of ??Carlyle's first acquisitions, it is hoped resold Caterpillar. However, due to the acquisition agreement has "not allowed to Xugong resold competitors" such restrictive clauses, Carlyle only temporarily give up. However, Carlyle as the venture capital exit is a matter of time, when Xugong listed overseas, Carlyle can gradually sell the shares held by way of exit. By then, international rivals through the capital market to achieve control of Xugong is logical.Fifth, to take place step by step strategy. For some important mergers and acquisitions, not in one step, and multinational companies tend to adopt a strategy to go step by step, through the gradual penetration, forcing Chinese companies gradually into submission. Sometimes, in order to get a joint venture, multinational joint ventures with Chinese enterprises in the future, they take way to let it fall into a loss, until the collapse of the Chinese joint venture, the Chinese side is willing to hand over the entire enterprise, joint venture eventually turned into a foreign-owned enterprises. Northwest Bearing Factory is a typical example in this regard. Out of this enterprise in which a high-quality railway bearing assets and a German joint venture, the step by step to lose control, not only lost the last joint venture company, and losing a competitive high-end market leading products and manufacturing qualification.Actively respond to the measures proposed multinational strategic acquisitionsFirst, the establishment of clear industrial development strategy. Further clarify the strategic industries, the overall planning of industrial development and enterprise reform, for strategic industries and major enterprises, foreign investment in the manner and depth should be clearly defined; for strategic industries and key related to the merger and reorganization of enterprises, must adhere to the national strategic interests principle of the supremacy, in obedience to the strategic interests, to consider the business interests, and avoid the expense of strategic interests, the cost of long-term interests in exchange for immediate.Second, actively promote mutually beneficial and win-win strategy of opening up. At present, upgrading industrial structure, accelerate the restructuring process of state-owned enterprise reform, but also properly handle the relationship between open and win-win situation, we must strive to expand the opening up to attract foreign capital to speed up restructuring and