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包头翻译公司关键字:An unnamed local official told the "China Economic Weekly": "in terms of certain state-owned enterprises, joint ventures is definitely a way out. State-owned enterprises must be restructured, or the back can not solve all sorts of things." However, some local governments guide the process of restructuring state-owned enterprises in the distorted view of achievements, driven by the hasty acquisition of leading multinational companies choose to have a way to participate in its restructuring."This is the current restructuring of state-owned enterprises in an abnormal tendency, if some or all of the original state-owned property transferred to another state-owned enterprises, a number of local government officials was that 'restructuring is not complete', 'not changed is equal to the change, change to change to, or change jobs in the state-owned enterprises', while the multinational financial, technology, brand and other local governments more likely to be favored, but can also incorporate the 'foreign capital' of the 'performance'. "NDRC researcher sorghum, "China Economic Weekly" interview, in the phrase.From the foreign investment situation in recent years, the proportion of foreign-owned enterprises increased rapidly, from 0.66% in 1985, less than 20% in 1990, rising to 38.5% in 1999; and from January to October 2005, the use of foreign investment view, joint ventures, cooperative enterprises of foreign capital actually utilized the same period the previous year decreased by 11.76% and 42.83%, while foreign-owned enterprises and foreign-invested joint-stock companies has increased by 4.27% year on year and 43.63%.From the officially disclosed more than 30 cases of foreign acquisitions of Chinese enterprises point of view, from the United States most cases, mergers and acquisitions, accounting for 30.2%; EU companies, followed by 27.3%; from ASEAN countries and Hong Kong companies account for 9.1 %; Japanese companies in 2 cases, 6.1%; Canada, and 1 case of India, accounting for 3.1%."Multinational companies use equity holding after the acquisition of our company, our industry, especially through the control of strategic industries, will likely monopolize or attempt to monopolize some domestic industries.'s Largest foreign-controlled negative effects of mergers and acquisitions is that it may lead to monopoly." Bai Jinfu analysis, if the monopoly of foreign mergers and acquisitions, foreign control not only the domestic market, monopoly prices and carve up the market to develop strategies to undermine the market competition order, impair the interests of consumers, but also easy to restrict the growth of domestic enterprises and technological progress.