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长春翻译公司关键字:Economic prosperity, due to the expansion of industrial production, the real estate demand, real estate prices continue to rise. In the recession, demand for real estate community capacity is inhibited, the product is difficult to get rid of the phenomenon began to appear, at this time, the developer of the funds have been invested, the volatility of the situation and adjust it to reflect is very slow, short is difficult to change or find other alternative to make the developers in trouble. degree of development of the real estate market conditions and supply and demandIn a market economy, a perfect market development should have: informative, product homogeneity, vendors and buyers free access to the large number of parties to the transaction four basic conditions. The development is not a sufficient market to real estate developers will inevitably bring some risks.Generally speaking, the real estate market is the regional market, local real estate developers, market supply and demand changes on the impact of market supply and demand than the national real estate developers, the impact of changes on a large number. As long as the health of local economic development, real estate demand will not change much. Depends on the strength of real estate development potential developers of rental revenue expectations. When the rent, the price rise due to shortage of housing supply, the developer will have to develop real estate, but because of the development will take some time, to be developed, the market supply and demand may have changed, resulting in the development of rental property is difficult to .Stagnant economy with alternating fast and the cyclical nature of real estate investment is a cyclical. Investment cycle, including peak - contraction - trough - to restore four stages. At its peak, the rapid growth of national economy, the economy was at its peak, due to the expansion of industrial production, making the real estate demand, real estate prices continue to rise. In systole, the state tightening, control investment demand for real estate community capacity is inhibited, the product began to appear difficult to get rid of the phenomenon. In the trough, further tension makes the social credit industry and sharp drop in construction investment, investment products, lower prices, but difficult to sell. In recovery, the state monetary easing, lower interest rates, the community begins to increase demand for real estate, prices gradually rise, real estate investment at this time is the golden age. From a longer time perspective, investing in systolic, trough or prepare to engage in corporate mergers and investment in the investment peak, investing heavily in recovery, will be able to obtain greater profits and avoid big losses.The choice of venue development