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新余翻译公司关键字:based on timely adjustments. China's construction industry should be strengthened with the cooperation of foreign well-known construction companies. Currently, the use of "co-benefits", which is large-scale international projects in recent years, commonly used methods. The first world-famous English Channel tunnel project, contractors compete, some Western countries the joint between the construction companies, but also Western countries, construction companies and construction companies in third world countries combined, and the construction of the Third World countries co. The aim is to play capital, technology, labor, and other areas in order to win in the competition. China's construction industry should be based on their characteristics, adapt to new trends, strengthen cooperation in the expansion joint and develop themselves. China's construction industry to domestic and international construction market competition, in the grasp of foreign contract labor as the main industry, the combination should take the trade, contract labor to set up an entity with a combination of domestic, foreign contract labor service overseas investment combined with the road, continue to expand business and increase overall strength and improve efficiency. The development of Chinese construction enterprises should be based on the overall situation, to accept the basic principles of the WTO agreement and related agreements and to change the passive state, take the initiative to actively participate in WTO activities, participation in multilateral trade based on the positive and the construction companies WTO members cooperation to improve the competitiveness of enterprises, to accelerate the process of internationalization.Intensify structural adjustment, intensive development strategy to accelerate the implementation of internationalAt present, the international construction industry macro environment presents new features, one very important aspect is the worldwide structural adjustment and industrial restructuring on an unprecedented scale. Chinese construction enterprises should intensify structural adjustment, both domestic and international market demand, but also give full play to local strengths and play to adhere to market-oriented principle of close integration of regional advantages. Market as the center, give full play to the guiding role of the market, and constantly adjust the structural model, to optimize the allocation of resources. Carefully study the laws of domestic and international construction market development, mining construction market development potential,